Chapter 5- Thursday Part 5

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Xavier's P.O.V

I led my beautiful mate downstairs. I was so lucky to have earned this beautiful human being. I wanted her to meet my pack so she could make this place more like her home.

We reached the kitchen, where my Beta and Gamma were standing. The Gamma's mate was with them. Also, my sister was sitting on a stool, eating my ice cream.

I cleared my throat as we walked in.

My Beta, Ryder, was the first to notice our presence. He walked over to us with a smile on his face.

"Hey, what's up, man?" Ryder and I proceeded to do the handshake we made up in 7th grade and have been doing ever since.

Mikayla just stared at us, trying not to laugh.

Ryder looked Mikayla up and down, "And who might this beautiful lady be?"

I growled. "She's my mate," I said through clenched teeth.

Olivia, the Gamma Female, jumped out of her chair, "Oh my gosh, you finally found her!" She ran up to Mikayla and gave her a tight hug. Mikayla shyly hugged back.

Mikayla's P.O.V

When Olivia finally let go, she introduced herself.

"Hi! My names Kelsey. But I swear, if someone calls me Kelly, I'll cut a bitch. What's your name?"

"I'm Mikayla," she held out her hand to shake, but Kelsey hugged her again.

"Finally, I have another girl to talk to around here! I was getting worried thinking werewolves were only male."

Kelsey laughed. "Thank goodness that's not true. That would be pure torture. No, this idiot is my baby brother." She ruffled Xavier's hair, ruining the perfect structure that probably took an hour for him to form.

I walked over to Olivia, who was now sitting on a stool, texting on her phone.

She slammed her phone on to the counter and sighed deeply.

"What's wrong?" I asked, sitting on a stool next to her.

"Nothing. Just some misunderstanding parents. They don't understand what werewolves are. Therefore, they don't understand mates. They want me to come back and live with them."

"That's tough. Xavier kidnapped me from my school, if that makes you feel and better."

Olivia laughed. "I'm Olivia, but most people call me Ollie."

"I'm Mikayla, but most people call me Mikayla."

"Okay, Mikayla. So, you're that doofus's mate, huh?"

"Yeah, I guess. Though, I don't really understand much about them either, considering I just learned about them ten minutes ago."

"Oh don't worry. Asher brought me home from a bar just before I got molested by a homeless guy." She cringed at the memory.

"What's your favorite animal?" She asked, out of the blue.

"Whales," I answered.

"No way! They're my favorite animal too. They're so adorable," she exclaimed.

"I know, right?!"

"I like you, Mikayla. You should stay. It may seem weird now, but this place will become your home. The best home in the world."

We sat silent for a second.

"Well, I gotta go take a shit. Be right be right back," she got up and left.

I got up, too, and went over to Asher, Ryder, and Xavier.

I reached my hand out to Asher, "You must be Asher, Olivia's mate."

He shook my hand, "Yep, that would be me. The one who has to put up with that."

"I HEARD THAT!" Olivia yelled from the bathroom.

"I WAS KIDDING I LOVE YOU!" he yelled back.

"See what I mean?" He whispered to me.

All four of us laughed.

"Well, I'm going to introduce Mikayla to the rest of the pack. See you guys later." Xavier took my hand and laced his fingered with mine. It made the butterflies in my stomach go crazy.

We walked outside to a huge field, surrounded by trees and a huge track.

Many people were sparring, wrestling, boxing, racing, basically anything you could imagine. It was kind of weird since it was so late at night.

"This is what we call the Fitness Yard. It's basically free for any activities dealing with physical activity. The only rule is no sex on the grass. But, I could make an exception for a certain person." He shot me a suggestive look.

"Uh, uh. No. Keep dreaming, Wolfie." I pat his head, like a dog.

We continued to walk across the Fitness Yard. I noticed that while we were walking, people were addressing us as Alpha and Luna while slightly bowing their heads in respect. I looked at Xavier, and his eyes seemed to change to a cold, hard, alpha look.

It was kind of hot.

Another thing I noticed was all the pack members were buff as fuck. They also looked really scared of him, as if he was going to attack beat them up in a second. Yet, they looked very respecting of him.

"Do you feed your pack members steroids, or something? Jeesh, they're like fucking body builders."

Xavier's carefree expression came back. He chuckled.

"No, but it is highly expected of every pack member to be it the best shape possible. Not just for the sake of body building, but so if there was an attack, we could easily fight them off."

"Why are you so concerned with attacks?"

"Since we are the strongest pack of the Werewolf specie, we are a huge target to other supernatural creatures."

"Oh, that's pretty scary."

"Yeah. We need a lot of reinforcement in case there is an attack. This pack is basically a town. There are jobs in this pack, houses, apartments, and churches. Except, everyone is a werewolf. The pack house, that we were just in, is a bit like a Town Meeting Place. That's where The Alpha, Beta, Gamma, and their families live. It's where the we hold meetings and a few parties."

"Cool. So you're like the mayor?"

"Yeah, I guess I am." A proud smile came across Xavier's face as he talked about his pack.

"How many people are in the Blood Mountain Pack?"

"About 10,000."

"Wow, okay."

Xavier suddenly turned us around.

"Where are you taking me? You know, it's almost midnight."

"I know. But you, my princess, are going on a date with me."

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