Chapter 16- Monday Part 1

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Mikayla's P.O.V

I woke up to light beaming into my sleep-filled eyes.

"Mikayla, wake up. Come on, baby, wake up," a man's voice cooed at me.

When my eyes adjusted to the brightness of the cell, I was met with Xavier.

But something wasn't right. Xavier never called me baby. It was always Princess.

"Come on, baby. We have to go," the voice coaxed.

"Go where?" 'Xavier' led me out of my cell and up the stairs.

"To your new home," his putrid breath hit my cheek as he whispered into my ear.

"What?!" I struggled against his steel grip, which was tightening by the second.

"Get used to it baby, because I'm your new mate," he said as he threw a burlap bag over my head.

Xavier's P.O.V

After a full restless night with out my beautiful princess by my side, I realized that I couldn't leave her behind. If I could last one day without her, what would allow me to go an extensive period of time with out her?

I entered the basement and was met with an unfortunate surprise.

Mikayla wasn't there.

I frantically searched around the basement, getting more fearful by the minute.

Someone must have kidnapped her.

I sniffed the air and smelt a scent that I hadn't sniffed in years.


My long lost twin brother. He had gone missing right after my mother was killed. He hasn't been seen since.

That fucking bastard.

Despite by dangerous anger toward Cade, I was fearful for my mate. Knowing that she wants protected to the fullest extent made my throat fee as if it was closing up. I should have never locked her up in the first place.

I threw my fist into the wall, creating a huge hole in the concrete wall. I banged my fists over and over into the damaged wall until my knuckles were dripping with fresh blood.

"Ryder!" I yelled at the top of my lungs.

He ran down to me in no time.

"Yes, Alpha," he said, fearful of my tone and facial expression.

I wrapped my hands around his neck and slammed him up against the hole-filled wall.

I felt his finger nails claw at my tense hand, failing to loosen my steel grip.

"How the fuck do you explain this, Ryder?" I said in a intimidatingly dark voice.

"What do you mean?" I saw his face turn a light blue.

"Mikayla is gone! Kidnapped by Cade. Mikayla is gone because you and Marcus failed to guard her cell!" I yelled.

I realized he was loosing oxygen too fast, so I let go. He collapsed to the floor and gasped for air.

I watched him as he took deep breaths.

"I'm sorry, Alpha," he gasped.

"Sorry isn't fucking enough. Your Luna is gone and all you can say is sorry?" I crouched down to his level.

"We will find her, Alpha," he reassured.

"What if it's too late? She could be fucking dead right this minute! They could be torturing her!" I roared in his fearful face.

"I'm sorry, Alpha," he repeated.

"Get off your sorry ass and work on contacting Vladimir," I spit. He immediately scurried off as fast as he could.

I angrily stomped upstairs, taking in the curious stares of pack members.

After having enough of their shooting stares, I stopped dead in my tracks.

"If anyone fucking looks at me one more time, I will exile that person," I roared at the small bunch of people in the living room and kitchen.

They all looked away from me and continued on with what they were doing.

I continued up to my room, shutting the door as hard as I could. It created small cracks around the door frame.

I pressed my back up against the wall and slid down. I cupped my face in my hands and just thought.

I thought about my asshole of a twin brother who is making my life fall apart.

I thought about how I would like to slam his ugly ass into a concrete wall and wring his neck out with my bare hands.

But I also though about my mate who could possibly already be dead. How I wished I said "I love you," before I locked her up.

I stood up and started to punch the walls again, with all my strength. I repeated until the whole wall was destroyed and my hands were covered in my blood. I ran over to my bed and tore up the sheets, the mattress, the pillows, everything. I just kept destroying the whole room until there was just pieces of fabric and paint left scattered around the floor. I sat back down on the ground. I wiped my face with my bloody hands. But I felt a watery liquid on my face. It was much thinner than blood, so it has to be water.

I was crying.

I was crying for my kidnapped mate, my uncontrollable temper, my messed up room, everything that has been bothering me for the last 20 years.

I just let the tears run freely down my bloody face.

When my face was covered in watery blood, I heard a faint knock on the door.

"Who is it?" I answered in an agitated tone.

"Kelsey," my sister said as she slowly entered the room.

"What do you want?" I gruffly asked.

"Ryder told me about what happened. I'm sorry. I know what you're going through," she softly said.

"No. No, you don't. You don't know this type of pain. This hatred toward yourself and toward everyone else around you. All you want is your mate and you do care about what happens until you get them," I replied, angrily.

"Yes, I do. I never told you this, but I found my mate."

I stared at her, obviously surprised.

"What? Why didn't you tell me?"

"It was a year ago. I met him while I was taking my daily run. I ran into him. He was absolutely amazing. We talked for hours and hours. He was every single thing a mate should be, but more. I found out that he was the Beta of the Green Valley Pack. It was perfect. Until, three rogues came. They attacked us out of the blue. Of course, he did the best he could to protect me, but they were too quick for us to fight them off. It was two on three and they had the upper hand. With one bite to the neck, Drew was gone. They attempted to attack me, but they heard other wolves coming and fled."

"Kelsey, I'm so-."

"No. It's fine. I should have told you his a log time ago. Anyway, when I returned to the pack, I was a mess. I had given up on my duties and I didn't care about life. I just stayed in my room 24/7. I had given up, just like you are in the process of doing. But unlike me, you can still get your mate back. Don't give up on her because that is the absolute worst thing that you could possibly do. Go look for her, Xavier. Fight for her like a real mate should."

She got up and left the room, shooting me one thoughtful glance before she closed the door.

Her words really pierced me. But she was absolutely right. I should never give up on Mikayla, no matter what.

I was getting my Princess back.

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