Chapter 2- Thursday Part 2

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^^Mikayla Grace Lancaster. She and Xavier are the only two people I will be casting. Mikayla is played by a Barbara Palvin.

Xavier's P.O.V

I enter the clearing that was filled with dozens of chattering werewolves. As soon as they caught sight of me, they shut up.

"Listen up!" My voice boomed through the frigid morning air.

"Yes, Alpha," they all said in unison.

"As you all know, there is a threat of a war. Therefore, it is brought to my attention that many of my pack members aren't ready for war," I explained.

"What do you mean?" One burly looking man called out. He looked about my age.

One thing about my pack; you should never question me.

I marched right up to him and decked him straight in his hard face. I knocked him over and the crowd gasped.

"That is why!" I yelled, "you need to learn to look out for signs of future attacks, such as the one I demonstrated on this willing man."

"None of you are putting your skills and senses to use. Yes, you may be strong and fast, but if you would do that, this pack would be better than ever," I explained

They all bowed their heads, "Yes, Alpha."

Everyone answered except for one young man who goes by the name of Derek. He just loudly scoffed. People stared at him like he was nuts.

"Would anyone like to challenge me? Anybody think they are strong enough to take on the Alpha," I ask. No one stepped forward. Finally, Derek raised a shy hand.

"You!" I point to Derek. "thank you for volunteering, Derek!" I slap his back with a little more power than I should have used.

"We'll show this pup," Aidan, my wolf, spit.

We got into our fighting stance at different ends of the square that other members had formed around us.

Derek had a weak fighting stance. If I were to come at him at this moment, his arms, wouldn't be in the right position to defend himself.

I could tell he was on edge, so I made a sudden move that made him flinch backward.

I smirked at his fearful reaction.

After a few more seconds of circling each other, he finally came running at me. I easily moved to the right to dodge the obvious attack. I swiftly turned around and punched him as soon as he turned back around. While he was recovering from my blow, he threw another punch. He fell to the grass and I towered over him.

"Come on, pup! Is that all you fucking have?! I throw two punches and you're down, huh? Well, maybe you don't belong in this pack, pup," I offered a hand. As soon as he took he took my hand in his own, I flipped him over onto his back.

"Never trust you opponent. Never," I told him. He looked like he was about to give up, but no one gives up in my pack. I motioned for him to stand up, and he reluctantly obliged.

He took a weak swing at me, but missed by a couple inches. I was about to punch him again, but he transformed into his wolf. I laughed at his small sandy brown wolf. I turned to level the playing field. I switched into a pitch black wolf, taller than a fully grown horse. Derek was an astounding foot shorter than me.

His wolf crouched down into a fighting position. I felt bad for the guy, it was his idiotic human that got him into this situation.

We circled each other before I attacked. I landed right in front of him, so he took a swipe at my face. He scratched my cheek, causing blood to drip down my face.

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