Chapter 15- Saturday Part 3

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Mikayla's P.O.V

I stared at my mate in disbelief.

How could he do this to me?

"Princ..," Xavier started.

"No! You have no fucking right to call me that until you give a reasonable explanation as to why you would do this to me!" I held the bars with both hands and pressed my face up against them.

"Pathos is for your own protection. Vladimir wants to kidnap you so Alyssa and I could get married. I can't put you in harm's way. I can't lose you, Mikayla," he muttered, vulnerability dripping from his solemn voice.

"How is this going to protect me? You could protect me! Why do I have to be behind bars for me to be protected?!" I asked, raising my voice.

"Because I'm not going to be here to protect you. I'm going with A few guards and Ryder to negotiate with Vladimir. This way, I know you are safe."

"But I want to go! Why can't I just go with you?! You're being paranoid!"

"You can't go with us because that would be too dangerous. You have been through two near-death experiences and I'm not risking another one."

"You're being selfish! You're just doing this for your own sanity and not thinking about my needs!"

"I'm not being selfish because this is for your own good, and that's final," he said sternly, walking to the stairs.

"No! I'll never forgive you if you do this! I hate you! Xavier! XAVIER!" I yelled. I let go and let myself fall onto the floor.

I will won't forgive him for doing this to me.
Xavier's P.O.V

As I walked out of the basement, I heard her pleas and threats.

It fucking broke my heart. After she said those three hateful words, it made me regret this decision. But I had to stick to it. It's for her own good.

"Marcus!" I yelled for the head guard.

He rushed over to me. "Yes Alpha?"

"Go downstairs and deliver Mikayla her dinner," I ordered.

"What shall I deliver to the Luna?"

"Mac and cheese, chicken nuggets, fries, ice cream, Skittles, and gummy worms. But if she asks for any other item, deliver it to her," I remember what she ate on our first date. I recall her saying was her favorite meal.

"Yes, Alpha," he scurried off to complete his duty.

Ten minutes later, Marcus frantically ran up to me.

"The Luna refuses to eat, Alpha. I tried everything, she doesn't want to eat," he reported.

I sigh. I walk down to the basement and next to her cell.

Mikayla is sitting in the corner with her knees up to her chest.

"Mikayla?" I crouch down and hold the bars.

"What?" She says, irritated.

"You have to eat, Princess. I brought you your favorite. Just eat a little bit for me," I tried to convince her.

"No. You don't listen to me, so why should I listen to you?"

"I'm so-."

"No! Sorry doesn't cut it, asshole. Do you even understand the concept of mates? I learned about it a whole lot longer after you, but I still understand it more than you. Mates are supposed to be equal. I'm supposed to be your equal. Mates aren't supposed to lock the other one up in a cell. I thought that you loved me," she said the last part in a hushed tone. I could hear her voice crack, so I could tell she was about to cry.

"Of course I love you, Princess. That's exactly why I'm doing this. Also, you are my equal. As my equal, I need to protect you. I love you way too much to put you in harm's way," I cooed at her. Her back was still facing the corner, but I could tell tears were falling off her gorgeous face.

I could hear her hushed sniffs and puffs of air. Knowing had I had inflicted this pain upon her made my heart ache.

I got up and unlocked the cell door. After I entered I slowly walked over to her and picked her up in my arms.

I laid both of us down onto the tiny bed. She wrapped herself around me and nestled her face into my shoulder.

"Why does this happen to us?" She asked.

"I don't know, Princess. But I know that we'll get through this together," I kissed the top of her head softly.

I laid with her until I heard her soft snores. I slowly unwrapped her from me. Then I got up and got out of the cell. I locked the door and walked back upstairs.

I would have to bear a painful night without Mikayla in my arms.

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