Chapter 4- Thursday Part 4

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Mikayla's P.O.V

I laid on the bed, thinking about the situation in.

Emotions were swirling around my mind. I was every single emotion you could think of. But most of all...

I was lonely.

I've been holding the water works in for the past hours. I yearned for Xavier's company, but I really wanted my best friend by my side.

I let it all out. The tears, the sobs, the snot. Everything.

My life is fucking up all because of a banana.


Why didn't I just not eat breakfast. This whole situation could have been avoided. This psycho wouldn't have found me, I wouldn't be locked in this room, and I sure as hell wouldn't be crying.

I was just about to drift off to sleep, in a pool of my own tears, when I heard unfamiliar voices outside my door.

"Zach!" I heard a male voice hiss.

No answer from "Zach".

I heard a strong shove.

Then "Zach" nudged the other guys.

"What the heck, dude?!" Zach exclaimed.

"You're sleeping on the job! Do you know what the Alpha would do to you if he caught you sleeping? He once locked a guy in the basement for eating his ice cream! Imagine what he would do if you were failing to protect HIS MATE!" The other guy sounded like an uptight prick. Whoever his "Alpha" dude is, he sounds pretty cool.

"Calm down, Matt. He won't ever find out," Zach reassured.

I stumbled out of the bed and over to the huge door.

I softly knocked on the door. The door swung open, revealing two very attractive men.

But not nearly as attractive as Xavier.

"Lu-," Matt started to speak, but Zach elbowed him in the ribs. Zach shot Matt a look. A look of realization crossed over Matt's face.

Zach cleared his throat, "Good afternoon, Mikayla."

"Hey, I'm guessing at you're friends of Xavier..."

"Yeah, yeah. Friends. Of. Xavier."

I gave them a questioning look.

"Umm, do you know where I can get food? I'm hungry."

"Um yeah. Just wait for Xavier. He should be back any moment now. He wouldn't appreciate you wandering around," Zach said.

"Okay. Well I'm going to sleep," I closed the door and laid on the bed.

Soon after, I drifted off into a deep sleep.




I woke up to an arm moving onto of me. I rolled over to find Xavier shirtless, with his arm draped on top of me. The attraction kept growing stronger the more I saw him. I hated to admit it, but I like him next to me. Since he was asleep, I just laid still, pretending I was also asleep.

Suddenly, Xavier spoke, "I know you're awake, princess."


I tried to get the topic off of me.

"So about that werewolf junk. Why do you think you're some kind of wolf?"

Xavier chuckled.

"Because I am."

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