9. humiliation

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Trigger warning: Self-harm


I watch as the clock ticks past the hour, my hands were itching with anticipation. I had already decided that I was going to meet Caleb at the stream but the time seemed to be going so incredibly slow.

I knew that if I told Ava I was going she'd be worried about me so instead of saying anything, I decided that I'll sneak out. Normally I barely even make a sound around the house so it's not like anyone will catch me, I am a pro at being silent. It's what I do best.

Pulling on a red flannel shirt over my dark wash jeans. I knew that the walk to the stream would take at least twenty five minutes so I needed to leave soon.

Discretely making my way downstairs, I suspected that everyone should be in bed by now. When I reach the bottom of the stairs, I can see the TV light glaring off the wall and Kayden and Kayleigh cuddled in front of it. They don't even acknowledge me which makes my escape easy. I slip out the front door and shut it behind me quietly.

My feet move instantly into the trees, darkness swarms me. The air was cold I could see my breath in front of me, dammit I should have brought a coat.

The walk was peaceful and it calmed my mind, I didn't realise that I was nervous until I reached the stream five minutes early and my body begun to shake. Meeting alone at night only now just struck me as terrifying.

Why did he want to meet by the stream?

What did he want to talk about?

A million questions buzz around my head. I find a rock and perch on it as I listen to the water trickle through the stream, the sound of nature was beautiful to my ears. I never really get to have time like this to myself so I felt grateful for it.

I tug my flannel shirt closer to my body as I sit patiently and wait.

When it reached 11PM I kept my eyes peeled for Caleb, I looked left and right and right and left.

I huff when ten minutes tick by and yet I was still alone.

Deciding to wait a little longer, maybe he got caught up, maybe he had Alpha duties to sort out. I think of a million possible scenarios to try and calm myself, there is no way that he would stand me up.

Another ten minutes tick by and my foot begins to shake from how cold it was. Sighing I close my eyes and rest my head in my hand.

Caleb? I mindlink. Are you there?

Nothing, just silence.

A chill runs through my body.

Another ten minutes go by.

Caleb, I'm at the stream. Where are you?

Yet again, silence.

My lips pull down onto a deep frown, why wouldn't he show when he sounded so desperate to see me?

He was now officially forty-five minutes late.

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