34. promises

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My face was pressed into Caleb's bare chest, his fingers brushing the skin on my back lightly. "I saw it coming," Caleb mumbles suddenly.

Moving my head to look at him as I furrow my eyebrows. "Saw what coming?" I question.

Caleb sighs and looks towards the TV, the light reflecting off of his face. "You getting hurt," he starts before flicking his eyes down to me. "I saw it."

I push myself up from the bed letting the covers slip down my body. "Saw it?" I question again feeling confused.

Caleb nods towards me, his hand moves to run a hand through the top of my curls. "Remember when I told you that I could sometimes see the future in my dreams?"

My eyes watch his closely. "Yeah I do," I let out.

"Well twice over the last two weeks I dreamt that someone hurt you. I couldn't see who it was and I couldn't stop it." Caleb closes his eyes like he didn't want to remember. "I felt so helpless. So that's why I tried to get you to open up to me because I knew that something was wrong."

I swallow harshly as a feeling of guilt washing over me. "W-What happened to me?" My voice wobbles.

Caleb continues to run his hands through my hair which calmed me. "It was in the woods both times. At first I wasn't sure if it was just a bad training session but then it turned sinister. Seeing you get hurt like that fucking broke me." His lips dip into a frown. "Seeing him touch you in real life fucking broke me."

My eyes fall from his and down to the bed. "I'm sorry," is all I can say. My throat was closing up and I was struggling to even gather my thoughts.

"I told you not to apologise to me," Caleb's ginger slips underneath my chin to make me look at him.

"What happened when I passed out?" I ask curiously, having no idea what happened to Luke or Kieran.

Caleb's eyes flick between mine for a few moments before clearing his throat loudly like he was about to go on a rampage. "The second that I saw your body hit the ground, I had Luke by the collar of his shirt and up by against a tree quicker than the speed of light." He says rapidly, his words pronounced and angry.

My eyes blink back at him not knowing what to say. "They might be all talk when I'm not around but the second I'm in their face they backdown like a pack of puppies and it's embarrassing." His voice becomes raised, the veins in his neck begin to pop out. "I'm embarrassed I ever had those two worthless idiots in my pack."

"You got rid of them?" I say instantly, my eyes widening slightly.

Caleb nods as his eyes narrow at me. "When Zara explained what happened I fucking lost my shit," he moves his hand to run down his face quickly. "When I knew they deliberately tried to fight you I was so close to ripping their throats out, trust me it was hard not to."

My eyes sting with tears when I realise how serious this situation actually was. "So you let them go?" I ask, my throat burning.

"Yes," he nods once.

"Literally before it turned night time?" I say. My brain struck with pain at how I was trying to justify what happened to them but they deserved it. They deserved it, Evan. I tell myself.

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