19. faint

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Everyday I would wake up and somehow wish we had skipped all the days and it was Saturday. When I woke up today and realised that it was only Friday my heart sunk in my chest.

My face falls instantly as I press my hand to my chest and feel my heartbeat. Everything hurt, everything hurt so much to the point I was burning inside. It had only been two days since I saw Caleb but that's was more than enough for me. I don't think I could last any longer than this before my heart gave out.

In this time Caleb and I had been mindlinking occasionally but I knew how busy he was and that he never really got a lot of time to himself. Hearing his voice in my head sometimes relieved the pain but when silence filled my mind, sadness consumed my body.

Evan. Ava's voice is in my head. Sorry if I woke you but we're having a last minute training session with Caleb and his pack because they're away this weekend.

My heart skips about ten beats when I hear his name. I have to attempt to stop my body from shaking as I think about the fact I'm going to see him today. What sticks in my mind is when he told me he would be sneaking kisses with me at training. That was enough to kill me altogether.

Okay, what time? I question as I throw off my bed covers and jump into the shower quickly.

In about half an hour, that good?

Sure, see you downstairs then.

Once I was showered and dressed, I sit in front of the mirror in my room and look at myself. My blonde curly hair was flopped partially over my right eye, I attempt to run my fingers through it to make it look appealing but it was pointless.

My eyes bore into my own blue ones as I stare back at myself.

Caleb said that I was gorgeous. That this face was gorgeous.

If only I could believe it.

We're ready to go now. Ava's voice pops into my head again.

Instantly picking myself up from the floor and taking myself downstairs. There's loud chatter in the kitchen, when I enter the room I see Ava first. She smiles at me and taps Jaxon next to her that we're all ready to go.

I follow everyone else out the back door, Sam catches my eye on the way out. He smirks at me and I just scowl at him back. I wasn't going to take any shit from him anymore, I was done with letting people push me around.

As we walk through the woods, I keep to myself at the very back. Chatter fills the air as we approach our usual spot where we meet. I knew that Caleb's pack was already there because his scent is stronger than ever, completely suffocating me. Taking a few deep breaths as I was finding it extremely hard to breathe.

I see through the gaps of the people in front of me, Caleb standing at the other end. His arms are folded across his chest tightly as he watches us walk over. I could swear that he doesn't once take his eyes off me but considering how far away we were, I passed it off as my eyes playing games on me.

But when we walked a bit closer Caleb's eyes were set on mine like magnets. He's not smiling but his eyes are smiling at me and it makes my insides turn warm. It's not until Jaxon stands in front of him and gives him a warm welcome that he snaps his eyes away from me.

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