37. reject

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Caleb's father, Ryker stood in between the doorway, the look on his face harsh and cold.

Caleb's hand pushes Evan behind him protectively but Evan was tired of hiding from his fears. He was desperate to live his life in happiness.

"Who's this?" Ryker asks as he flicks his eyes down to Evan.

The room goes silent for a few moments as the painful tension builds. Caleb swallows harshly as he stares back at his father, his nails digging into his palm. "This is my mate, Evan," he tells him, his eyes staring hard.

Ryker takes slow steps towards them, his broad shoulders and thick legs making both of them look tiny. A laugh leaves his lips but he didn't find it funny, in fact he felt betrayed. "And in what world did you think that was acceptable?" He loops around them and Caleb keeps his eyes trained on him as his fingers entwine with Evan's.

Caleb's chest moves quickly as he registers his dads words. He knew this was going to happen, no matter how much he tried to believe his dad would be supportive of him being homosexual, he knew it would come down to this.

"It's my life dad, I don't care what anyone else says." Caleb says, his voice full of confidence.

Ryker hums as he holds his hand behind his back, continuing to pace around the room. "You never once stopped to think what that would do to my reputation?"

Evan senses Caleb's distress so he places a kiss to his back gently. "Disown me then," Caleb starts. "I don't care, I'm not leaving him."

"Do you not care what people would think of you?" Ryker narrows his eyes towards his son.

"I don't care if people know that I'm a homosexual, dad. Because I am and I'm tired of hiding who I really am to please people like you!" Caleb spits out to him, aggression clear in his voice.

"Oh but you don't have a choice in the matter," Ryker stops to smirk at them.

Evan's stomach twists in knots as he hears him speak. Caleb begins to shake his head, his jaw clenching in the process. "Yes I do," he grounds out angrily. "You can't stop me."

Ryker eyebrow rises like he's accepted a challenge, the smile that played on his lips haunted Evan and he didn't want to leave Caleb's side.

"Maybe you've forgotten what I can do," Ryker tells his son.

Caleb grips onto Evan's hand tighter like he never wanted to let him go. Ryker's hand raises up to them, his fingers bending into a claw in their directions.

"Dad, don't!" Caleb warns him, his voice alerting Evan. He was confused what was about to happen, blood rushing to his face instantly and a panic almost setting in. What was Caleb's dad really capable of?

"Go on," Ryker mocks him. "Show me that you can stop me."

Ryker's hand rises further and swipes it to the side of him, Evan's body is ripped from Caleb's and flies across the room, hitting the wall harshly. Caleb shouts out for him as he runs to help but Ryker's other hand moves to stop Caleb from reaching his mate, suffocating his throat.

His Getaway (bxb) | ✔Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ