liar .47

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The bathroom door hits the wall so hard that the people in front of me jump and turn towards me suddenly. Stomping past everyone, nudging a woman's shoulder as her drink goes flying over my sleeve.

"Hey!" She yells out at me but I don't stop. If I stop I'll end up losing my shit.

My eyes scan the room and I quickly find Felix and Zara. As I approach them Zara instantly catches my eye before flashing a look of concern at me.

"Caleb, what's wrong?" She demands, noticing my distress.

A hand runs through my hair over and over. "We need to go right fucking now," I growl out as I pace back and forth in front of them. I had to keep myself doing something otherwise I'd turn around and punch the shit out of Miles.

"What's happened?" Felix steps forward instantly, his voice dipped with worry.

As I glance at him my jaw clenches. "We need to go now before I do something that is unforgivable,"

"Okay, okay," Zara panics as her hand touches her temple. "Let's go."

I turn and walk as fast as I can towards the exit, trying my best not to focus on anyone incase it was someone who I wanted to hurt.

The sound of Zara's heels clicking against the floor as she tries her best to catch up with me rings in my ears. As soon as I get to the doors and nudge my way past the waiters, my feet skip down the steps.

"Caleb wait," Zara huffs as she grabs onto my shoulder to slow me down.

When I turn I don't realise how hard I'm breathing until Zara's eyes dart to my chest, her brows pull down into a soft frown. "Calm down," she says as she grips onto my shoulders.

"Where the fuck is Felix?" I curse out to her.

"He's just telling the rest of the pack that we're leaving, he'll be here in a second," she nods towards me.

A deep groan escapes my lips as I look up, the sky now turning into a dark blue. Bile was rising up my throat and my skin crawled at the thought of Miles touching me, the things he said about Evan. I wish I could dig my fingers into his throat and rip out his veins, watching him bleed out.

"Caleb," Felix snaps me back into reality as he nods his head towards the car. "Lets get out of here."

I nod and climb in, slamming the door behind me harshly. Felix drives quick and no one says anything. Zara spares me a few glances making sure that I hadn't completely lost my mind.

My hands run over my face endlessly, trying to rack my brain with what the hell happened tonight.

How was I going to get Evan to believe me?

As we finally pull up outside the pack house, I swing the car door open before Felix stops. I hear Zara quickly undo her seatbelt and attempt to follow me inside. Barely managing to put my key in the door before I ripped it off the hinges, I hear Felix kill the engine behind me and they both follow inside.

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