5. Hanging out

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A/N: So, a small correction. Starlyn doesn't get selected for the track events but she gets selected for the basketball. She's the key player of the team. This chapter starts off after about 1 month since the school had started.


A few weeks later...

Nina's POV:

"Nina! Nina!" Star comes running to me with a huge grin on her face. She looked so excited, I've never seen her like that before. We'd gotten pretty close over the past couple weeks. "There's a sports event next week and you're listed as the school representative! Ms. Blake wanted to see you" she said. I smiled. I was estate about being chosen but what made me happier was the smile on her face. 'God she's so beautiful' I thought to myself as I went to meet Ms. Blake.

Starlyn's POV:

I watched as Nina walked towards the gymnasium, tall and straight and her perfectly tied ponytail swaying with her hips. 'Snap out of it Star. You're with Jackie and you love her' I tell myself. But something was missing and I couldn't put my finger on it.

Nina's POV:

"You wanted to see me?" I asked Ms. Blake as I approached her. "Oh yeah. I've put you incharge for organising the events, you can choose someone to help you. All the details are here" she said, handing me the notepad. My mind immediately went to Star. 'She'd be great at this kind of stuff.' "Thank you Ms. Blake" I took the notepad and ran to see her.

Starlyn's POV:

A couple days later
Nina had invited me over to her house and boy I was nervous. Ever since she asked me to come over I've been nervous and excited at the same time. Why? I'm not sure.

The previous day:
I just came back from school and was watching Netflix. The comfort of PJ's and Netflix is irreplaceable. My phone dinged with a message. I opened it and saw Nina had texted me.

Nina: hey do you want to come over tomorrow? We can discuss about the event

I was surprised but also excited. It was a weekend too so why not?

S: Sure! When should I come?

N: Omg really? Okay come by 9?

S: What? That's so early! But fine I'll be there. Send me your address.

N: Haha lazy ass. I'll share my location.

S: Sure smartass bye! See you tomorrow

'Omg I'm so excited!!' I thought to myself and did a little dance.
End of flashback

I got up pretty early. Well I didn't sleep in the first place. I couldn't sleep and I was texting with Jackie all night so whatever. After having a small morning chat with my girlfriend, I quickly got ready and went downstairs. "Am I dreaming or is it really my daughter down here for breakfast on a Saturday morning?!" my mom said in a mocking tone, genuinely shocked to see me up early. I sweat she lives to mock and embarrass me.

"No you're hallucinating" I said rolling my eyes and scoffing at her. "I'm going to a friend's house mom. Can I take the bike or are we being very boring and you're dropping me?" I asked her. "No go by yourself. I've got work and I can't pick you up and neither can your dad. He's out remember?" She said handing me my breakfast. Right. Another business trip.

"Yeah I remember. Thank you mom" I hugged her sideways and ate quickly. "Bye mom! Drive safe!" I said, taking my keys. "You too! Have fun! Drive slow please and don't get pulled over I don't want you to get arrested." She said while heading out too.

I quickly went to the garage and revived my bike. The sound of bike starting is always the best. Putting on my helmet I drove to Nina's house.

I arrived at her house. Parking my bike, I went to the door and knocked. "Hey you are on time! I thought you'd be late" she opened the door and said while giggling. I rolled my eyes and gave her a once over. She looked good even though she was wearing nothing special. "Haha very funny Jensen. Can I come in?" I asked. "Yeah sorry come in" she chuckled and let me in.

I quickly looked around and noticed her house was way tidier than mine. "Sorry it's a bit messy" she said walking behind me. "Seriously? This is messy? You're gonna faint when you look at mine" I said her. She shook her head and said "That's my brother. Nathan, Starlyn. Starlyn, Nathan" "Hey there" I said while her brother just nodded his head, too focused on his game. "Sorry, he's always like that" she apologized to me for him. "No it's alright. Really" I said smiling. "Alright let's go to my room" she said, leading the way to my room.

I followed her to her room. To say I wasn't nervous for some reason would be a lie. I was very nervous. I could almost feel my fingers starting to shake. 'Calm down, calm down it's alright' I said to myself.

We entered her room and she sat on the edge of her bed with the notepad and a notebook. It was a nice room, better than mine really. I sat beside her trying to take it all in because I still couldn't believe I'm at her house. We started working on planning the events.

After a while, "Are you sure the events should be in that order?" I asked Nina. She put down her pen and looked at the notebook with a confused look on her face. "You're right. Basketball should be the day before volleyball, not the same day. That way you can come watch me play, this is perfect" she said smiling contently. My stomach erupted with butterflies. I learnt over to take a look when Nina suddenly leant into me. We looked at eachother and I swear I saw sparks fly. My heart was racing like crazy. "I uhm-" I began when my phone rang and I snapped out of my daze. 'Jackie' it said. "I need to go" I said her, panicking. I basically ran out of her room, just catching a glimpse of her beautiful, startled face.

A/N: Thank you for reading! <3

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