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So if you've read this book before I published the epilogue, like before 26th of August, I want to let you know that I edited the first 18/19 chapters. No big changes just small ones. If you want to, you can go back and read them. If not, don't bother it's fine.

I apologize because this isn't my best work. My first time writing a proper book. I started this as a joke but then I have now finished it. It wasn't really planned properly so this is shitty. Hopefully my future books will be better. If anyone has any ideas, comment down. I've a few ideas for next book but I can't start them now. Maybe after this month. I want to plan the next one's properly. So yeah. Thanks for reading this not-so-good book. I appreciate it. See you soon

- Harsha ♥️

Edit(19/10/2020): I know I said I'll start on a new book like a month ago but I'm sorry I can't do that now. Maybe by this year end at the best. I don't know what to write. So if anyone has any prompts or ideas it'll be nice. And I'm having a rough time so yeah. Thank you again. Take care

Edit(13/01/2021): the cover for the book is now changed. And I've changed my username to funny_pharaoh. It used to be lightning_queen05 :)

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