13. Oohh confession...

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Nina's POV:

Winter rolled in. Time seemed to be passing by fast. The constant tests every 2 weeks is driving me insane. I keep procrastinating but at some point I've to study for them. I haven't been getting straight A's but a few B minus didn't seem a big deal to me. Apparently it's not nothing to my parents. As all parents do, they lecture about how I'm not putting enough effort.

It's hard but I'm handling it better than I used to. Besides the constant stressing out and procrastinating to think about my life decisions, everything is fine. No huge dramas at school. It's kinda boring though. Nothing interesting that I can focus on, other than occasional couples drama. December went fine. I spent enough time with all my friends.

Especially Star, considering we weren't hanging out much last month other than chatting at night. I can tell she hasn't been doing well lately and she told me herself. We talked it out and I helped her a little by giving out a few advice, or more like other ways to take things in. Either way I'm happy I can help. It can be overwhelming, playing the therapist for almost every friend.

They all seem to come to me when they have problems and I help them but there's only so much one person can take. Dealing with myself and others problems at the same time isn't easy. Apparently they come to me because Star says and I quote "you're an awesome listener and you understand what people are trying to say. You help them get out of the problems. You're amazing Nina". She understands why I feel overwhelmed and what she said made me feel better about myself.

The year ended peacefully and I was glad. The Winter Ball was fun. Nothing better than starting the year with party like that. I had fun with my friends. Seeing Star in a dress was weird. She's so skinny it looked like dress wrapped around stick, as everyone would say. Needless to say she looked pretty good. Even though she was wearing those wedges she was still shorter than me by the same few inches as usual because of my own wedges. Not a fan of heels either.

We were with our friends, dancing from our place to the slightly upbeat song playing. "You look really beautiful" Star complimented one of our friends. She laughed and said "haha very funny. But thanks Star. I'm gonna go and find some of my friends. See you guys later" and walked away. "You flirt with everyone don't you?" I asked her playfully. She looked at me with shocked expression which was hilarious.

"Me? Flirting with everyone? I don't!!" She said throwing hands like a child. I laughed and shook my head, "You do". "I don't. Shut up" she said punching my arm lightly. I laughed and rubbed my arm. It was fun messing with her. It's cute and hilarious at the same time. The rest of the night, we danced, I ate while she just stood with me. After forcing her to eat a little I gave up. It's really hard to make her eat. Why she wouldn't, I've no idea. She wouldn't listen even if I say her countless times. Gradually we got tired and decided to take rain check. Going home with one of my friends, I didn't realize how tired I was until my head hit my pillow. It was a really good day.

A few days later...

After the ball, the school functioned as usual. The tests, stupid classes. January rolled away fast and we were already a week into February. Ah the most favourite month of everyone but me. Valentine's Day was next week. Not that it mattered but everyone else seemed to be excited about it. I had no reason to be excited about it. 2 days and the entire hallways are gonna be filled with balloons and hearts and shit. A few of my friends and classmates were preparing for the day. It was amusing to see how much effort they put for that one day in the whole year.

On Valentine's Day

It's lunch. Everywhere I turn there's balloons, hearts, roses and gifts. It was sickening but beautiful at the same time. I was sitting with Star at the end of the cafeteria to get away from all the chaos. Looking at the guys acting like idiots I sighed. "Sometimes I feel like it's better to be a lesbian and get a girlfriend" I said. She laughed throwing her head back, "I know right! Guys are stupid. That's why I prefer girls" still giggling. I chuckled and shook me head.

"Anyone special yet?" I asked wiggling my eyebrows. She giggled and looked away, blushing a little before saying, "No". "Okay" I said smiling at her. We talked about random stuff. She wouldn't look at me while talking. It was like she was scared to. I didn't understand why but didn't point it out. The rest of the day went fine. Or as fine as it could because the teacher's were a bit irritated with students interrupting during class hours.

The next day

Star's POV:

I've decided to tell Nina because I can't hold it a secret anymore. It was hard because I have to be very careful or I'll give it away in an awkward way. So here I am sitting with her under a tree during a free period we both had. "So what's up?" She asked looking at me. I couldn't look at her. Not without blushing so hard. It sounds stupid but eye contact with her makes me nervous and I'd be blushing so hard. "The tree branches" I replied without looking at her. She wasn't amused. I giggled while she had her poker face. I shrugged and looked around. Anywhere but her. I could see her roll her eyes from the corner of my eyes.

"Well..." I trailed off. How am I supposed to tell her? Hey Nina I like you. Just like that? No it's sounded stupid. "Star what's bothering you?" She asked with concern in her voice. It wasn't making this easy. "I uh.. I.." I stammered and was already breathing heavily. She waited patiently. "I.. I know this is like so awkward and all. I don't know I understand if you feel this hard to believe or whatever.. i" I sighed running my hand over my face. Gosh this was harder than I thought.

"I like you Nina. So much. I'm sorry but I just wanted you to know. God this is awkward" I whispered the last part, burying my face in my hands. She didn't answer. I was too scared to look at her. "Say something..." I said which almost sounded like I was begging for an answer. "Star.." she started. I thought I was nervous before but it's worse now. "It's not hard to believe. This doesn't change anything between us. Okay? You know me" she said which made me release the breath I was holding. I nodded and smiled a little. I still wasn't looking at her.

"Thank you so much. For understanding" I replied genuinely. I knew she'd understand and she'd say it won't change anything but the small fear of worst case scenario bothered me but not anymore. She smiled and hugged me. I hugged back and sighed in relief. She then changed the subject which I was glad to. It was like I hadn't just confessed I had some feelings for her. We talked about college plans before we had to part ways. I went home feeling like the weight was lifted off my chest and shoulders.

A/N: Hope you guys liked this chapter. Vote, comment and share!! Tell me what mistakes I have to I can change them. I proofread once but if I missed to correct any grammatical errors or spelling errors forgive me. Have a good day/night!! Take care ♥️

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