21. The Date Night

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Nina's POV:

I was literally bouncing and grinning like an idiot. It's been a few days since our confession and to say I felt happy was an understatement.

We haven't told anyone though she told a few friends online after asking if I was okay with it. It felt so good. That she wanted to know my feelings about sharing us to her friends, to my friends. I haven't told anyone on my side though. Pretty sure Jocelyn is suspecting since we both keep sneaking off in between classes for a few kisses and hold hands all the time.

It was awesome. I felt cherished and she made sure I felt comfortable before she did anything that related to us.

I'm so excited for the date she's planning. Obviously she wouldn't tell me where so I didn't bother asking and just trusted her to do her best.

(Skip to date day)

I'm waiting by the window in my bedroom for her to arrive. It's almost 4:30 and she should be here any moment now.

That's when I see a car pull up front and she gets out. I quickly ran downstairs. I was dressed up in black skinny jeans paired with a white blouse along with my black shoes and a jacket in case it got cold later on. No make up. That's one thing I liked in both of us. Neither of us wore makeup.

I opened the door to find her in black skinny jeans and a baby blue t shirt with a cute girl cycling printed on it. As usual her hair was in French plait while mine was left down in natural waves.

"I-Wow. You look beautiful" she stuttered out while checking me out. I blushed and smiled widely.

"Not too bad yourself Star. You don't have a jacket. Won't you get cold?" I asked closing the door behind me.

"The cold never bothered me anyway" she sang winking at me, making both of us laugh.

She immediately took my hand leading me to her car. Opening the door for me she grinned and bowed a little making me chuckle at her. "Ah chivalry still exists. Good to know"

She just grinned. "Anything for my lady" I shook my head smiling widely while she got in and started driving.

"Whose car is this?" She doesn't have her car because she wants to buy her own. I agree with her.

"Mom's. She let me borrow for the night. Too many questions though. It took me a while to calm her down. Good thing I got ready early"

"Ah. Strict parents. You know how my parents are worse. I had to beg and promise I'd study after dinner before sleeping" I rolled my eyes

"Can I know where are we going? Or is it still a suspense?" I asked as I laced our fingers together. She blushed at the simple contact but smiled nonetheless. So cute.

"That my lady, is a surprise" she said and went back to concentrating on driving. One can never be too careful while driving in New York.

I just nodded and waited. Soon we arrived in front of a... Pet shop?

"Um Star what are we doing here? Are you gonna buy me a pet?" I questioned her raising my brow at her while she opened the door for me. My heart swelled at it while she just took my hand and kissed the back of it.

"You'll see" she dragged me inside. I looked around to see several puppies, kittens, birds and rabbits. They all looked so cute.

She said something to the lady at the front desk and she gave us badges to wear and told us to follow her. I still have no clue what we were doing here.

"Ta da!" Star exclaimed with her arms wide and moved aside to show me several puppies in a play pen.

"Oh my god! They're so cute!!" I squealed in pure astonishment. They were just so small and fluffy I think might die. There were some kittens too.

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