6. Great day and a long night

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Nina's POV:

I'm so excited about Starlyn coming over. I've had friends come over so many times but I don't know why I felt this one different. I've been having these weird feelings when I'm with her which are so wrong. I'm straight and I shouldn't be feeling this.

I cleaned my already neat house and sat on the couch waiting for her impatiently. I hope she did not get lost or something. Right on time there was a knock on the door. I jumped and went to open the door. I was nervous to have her over but did a good job hiding it. As for her, she looked very nervous. It was so obvious.

I didn't know she was this anxious. Taking her to my room, I noticed she became more nervous. We sat on my bed and started working on the events planning. Sitting so close to her made me more nervous. I tried to focus on planning but couldn't help but sneak glances at her.

After a while, "Are you sure the events should be in that order?" She asked me. I put down my pen and looked at the notebook with a confused look. "You're right. Basketball should be the day before volleyball, not the same day. That way you can come watch me play, this is perfect" I said smiling contently. She leant over to take a glance while I leant into her too. We both looked at each other. My heart was racing at the sudden closeness. My stomach was doing flips and had butterflies at the same time. I could practically feel the heat from her skin radiating. 'Fuck' I gulped and thought to myself. "I uhm-" she stuttered before being interrupted by her mobile. Someone had called her and she quickly ran out seeing the called ID, giving me one last glance while I looked at her with a confused look.

Star's POV:

Seeing the caller ID I quickly ran out. "Hey babe! Morning!" I said after catching my breath. "Heyy are you busy tonight? I thought we could maybe hangout..?" She said in an excited tone.

I wasn't sure what to say. This is all so sudden. She could've just texted me.  "Hmm.. sure babe. Come over for dinner. I have homework to finish but I'll finish them early. See you tonight?" I said. "Yeah sounds good. See you! Love you bye" she said back, sounding very excited. "Yeah love you bye" I said smiling though she couldn't see.

I rubbed my hand over my face. 'What is wrong with me? Why am I not sure if I should let my girlfriend come over? Ugh' I thought to myself and then remembered where I was. I quickly pocketed my mobile and walked back in. Why I ran? Why I panicked? I have no idea.

"I'm so sorry! I got an important call and had to answer it" I explained to the confused girl. "Everything alright? You look so startled. Take a breath" she said, looking a bit relieved. "Yeah I'm fine, I'm fine" I smiled and sat back beside her. She just smiled back and nodded. We went back to our work.

Nina's POV:

It's been more than a few minutes like more than 10 but felt longer. I almost thought she went home but she came back soon still looking a bit startled. She says everything is fine but I could see the confusion and sadness in her eyes. We continued to work. All the while, I noticed her sneaking glances at me occasionally. I smiled to myself while sneaking glances at her too.

"Done!" She exhaled and laid back on her back. I noticed her t shirt rode up a bit but quickly looked away blushing a little. "Tired?" I asked while looking at her get back up. "Yeah kinda. I slept late" she said smiling sheepishly. "You should get enough sleep Star. It's not healthy" I said concerned about her. She had dark circles around her eyes, they were always there.

Star's POV:

"You should get enough sleep Star. It's not healthy" she said looking concerned. "Yeah I know I was just.. busy" I said looking away, hoping she wouldn't notice me blushing. How can I sleep when I have a horny girlfriend? Sexting all night has become a bit regular for us. I hate this distance. I stretched and looked at the time. "It's almost lunch time. I've to go back home now" I said, getting up. "Aww okay. I've got work to do too. See you at school?" She asked getting up too. "Yeah see you" I smiled and walked out as she walked me to the door. I took one last glance at her, smiled and put my helmet, sunglasses and rode off.

Nina's POV:

I'm so concerned about her. Honestly this girl does this so often. "Yeah I know I was just.. busy" she said, looking away. 'Was she blushing?' I thought to myself.

She looked at the watch and wanted to leave since it was almost lunch time. Wow time has passed so quickly. It felt like she's been here only for 30 mins or something. I felt bad about her leaving so soon but couldn't do anything. "Aww okay. I've got work to do too. See you at school?" I asked smiling, getting up and walking her to the door. "Yeah see you" she smiled and went out to her bike.

I smiled watching her get on her bike. I've seen people ride bike but seeing Starlyn ride her bike with the helmet and sunglasses just made me swoon. She looked hot and cute at the same time. 'Wait what? No! That's so weird' I thought to myself as I saw her riding off.

Star's POV:

Later that night...

Jackie came over for dinner as planned. My parents don't know about us dating so they think we're just close friends. We don't plan on telling them since I'm not sure how they'll react. She's a freshman at a nearby college but we met online. Yeah I'm dating someone older than me.

We were all talking and joking casually while she held my hand under the table. I smiled at her, she gave me a flying kiss and winked at me which made me look down and bite my lip. She enjoyed making me blush.  Thankfully my mom and sister were too busy eating and talking to notice.

After dinner we went upstairs to my room while the other two stayed in living talking about school. I closed the door after us and locked it. I turned around to get attacked by her lips. I kissed back wrapping my arms around her neck while she picked me up and carried me to my bed. Without breaking the kiss, she laid on me and we kept making out. Her hands started roaming all over me.

A/N: to be clear Star and her gf have 3 years age gap. Star's 15 yes. As for distance it's just they live like 1 hour away from each other and are busy with school to see regularly other than weekly once or twice. You get the point.

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