31. First step towards healing: accepting

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Nina's POV:

"I'm gonna slit my eyebrows"

I spluttered as I tried not to choke on my coffee. "And why the fuck would you do that?"

"Because a guy assumed I'm straight and asked me out!" Star exclaimed and I just laughed.

"Oh baby it's not gonna look good on you" I chuckled while she huffed and grumbled about not looking gay enough.

"But look at you! People are asking you out and all but too bad you're mine" I kissed her pouting lips making her sigh and kiss back.

"What are we talking about?" Lindsay asked as she sat down opposite to us in the booth.

"This idiot wants to slit her eyebrows because she doesn't look gay enough" I said making her snort and almost spill the coffee she had in her hand.

"You? Slitting eyebrows? Bitch you don't have any in the first place!" Lindsay laughed making Star glare at her and throw a French fry at her.

"Not my fault I have thin eyebrows" she pouted as I chastised her for throwing food.

"Still! Everything about you is thin" Lindsay pointed out making me giggle and Star to huff again.

"I don't have to have big boobs and butt and muscles to look good" Star replied flipping her hair off her shoulder making us laugh again.

"Whatever skinny ass. Please don't do that though. I won't be able to look at you the same. How about haircuts?"

"Ohh yes I'm gonna cut my hair short" Star grinned at the suggestion. I could literally see the gears turning in her head.

"Yeah that's not a bad idea. I'm eager to see you in short hair. Hopefully it doesn't go wrong. That would be hilarious" I giggled earning a hi five from Lindsay who nodded in agreement. We continued teasing Star which was easily coming to us like a second nature.

"You both are mean" she pouted for the hundredth time today.

"Not our fault you're easy babe" I tapped her nose making her scrunch it. Cute.

"Fuck you both"

"When?" I said while Lindsay said "Hard pass" making us all laugh again. It was nice.

"Ugh! You're not getting any." It was an empty threat and we all knew.

"Sure baby. Anyways we can't. My parents are gonna be around. One or the other. And we can't at your house remember?" I said making her roll her eyes and nod.

"So if they're not around you would let me" she asked cheekily making me blush slightly and a smile appeared on my face.

"Maybe.." I drawled on only to be interrupted from our eye contact by Lindsay clearing her throat. Thank god she did or I might've just kissed her hard right there.

"I can't deal with happy couples so I'm going home. My bed is calling me and I am running on 4 hrs of sleep. See you losers later" Lindsay said before heading out while we stayed back, just bidding our goodbyes from the booth.

"Nina, I'm gonna come out. And also tell my parents about getting a therapist because I can't handle this anxiety and whatever the hell is wrong with me" she said making me look at her in shock.

"There's nothing wrong with you! Star, whatever you feel is valid"

"Sure" neither were convinced and we knew that.

"I need help" her voice so low and broken, it broke me to hear that.

"And we're gonna get you that. Okay? Do you want me when you tell your mom?" I asked to which she shook her head.

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