Chapter 1

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I woke up in a giant hotel bed. I was confused at first, but then I noticed my clothes spread all around the room. Whoever I slept with last night clearly didn't want to meet me when I was sober. I looked at the bedside table and saw a note.

'This will help with your hangover. Also, last night was great. -J'.

I took a glass of water and aspirin he left for me and got out of bed. I put my clothes on and left the hotel. Whoever J is, he sure seems like a nice, caring guy. I headed to my apartment and took a bath. I was interrupted, midway into relaxing by a knock on my door. I wrapped a towel around myself and opened the door.

"How may I help you?" I said, opening the door for my friend Willa.

"Relax grumpily, let me in." She said I moved aside.

"Why are you here?"

"Because I was worried about you. You went m.i.a last night after you met that guy. You didn't answer your phone, so I thought maybe he kidnapped you." She said

"You're an idiot, but thanks for worrying about me. Now you sit here and I don't know watch Tv. I'm going back into my bath." I said, she nodded. I didn't bother to close the door; Willa had seen me naked enough times to the point it doesn't surprise her anymore. I got out of the bath after a while. I walked into my room and put some clothes on. I joined Willa on the couch.

"So did you unlock that grimoire?" she asked me.

"Not yet, but I'm getting close. Leaving the coven hasn't helped much. When I was with them, it all came easy to me. I was ahead of everyone I knew, but now that I've had the covens shared magic stripped out of me. I'm slower, and I have to relearn all of the old spells. Besides this grimoire is sealed with coven magic, it will take longer to unlock." I explained.

"If anyone can do it, it's you," she said. Suddenly, I was taken over by a vision. There was a man in the shadows, two kids, and some beast. "What did you see?" She asked me.

"I don't know, it wasn't clear. Something about a man, two kids, and a beast." I said,

"Who is this vision for?" she asked.

"I have no idea. I don't usually get random visions unless they are for someone. I, for one, haven't met anyone in need of help. The only way to know if it is serious is if it comes up again." I explained. She extended her hand's palm up.

"Place your hands here. I'll see if I can pinpoint who it's for," she said. I placed my hands on top of her. The second I did, both our eyes went black. We were walking through my subconscious. It would explain the vision more and give not only a name but also tell more. The more we looked, the clearer it was. We saw a woman this time; she was clearly pregnant. That explained the two kids. The more we walked through, we saw the man and the beast; they were intertwined. They were linked almost like they were the same. We kept walking. A name showed up, Jonah. We were almost at the end, and as we walked, we saw the final picture. It was a mirror. Looking into it, I saw myself. I was confused. Why was I here? Looking in the mirror, I noticed that I was pregnant, and the man/beast was standing behind me with his hands placed on my stomach. We were instantly taken back to reality. I got up and paced around the room, trying to make sense of what I saw.

"I don't understand. What does it all mean? Why would I have a vision of myself?" I said out loud. Willa got up and placed her hands on my shoulders, stopping me from pacing.

"I think it either means you are pregnant with this man named Jonah's child, or you are going to get pregnant with his child the next time you meet. Besides, I don't think he is a normal man. You saw that the man and beast were one. Meaning he's a wolf." She said,

"I can't be pregnant, I only slept with one person in the last 24 hours," I said.

"What was his name?" she asked.

"I don't know; I only knew his initial J. Oh my gosh. I slept with this Jonah guy, didn't I? My visions are never wrong, Willa. Wait, I can't be pregnant, I only slept with him last night. A baby takes at least three weeks to develop right?" I asked her.

"I don't know what to tell you. The only way to know is to take a test. Just calm down." She said.

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