chapter 2

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There was only one week left of winter break, and sadly, I barely moved from my room. Larry had asked me to hang out with him and Sal today, but I wasn't so sure I wanted to.

I was feeling hungry though, so I mustered up the strength to crawl out from under the covers and put some shoes on. I walked out into the living room to see my mom watching tv with my cat right beside her. She quickly noticed me rummaging through the cabinets for snacks, and waved me over to where she was sitting.

"Oh! Y/N, dear!"

I picked up a small bag of chips, and looked up to see my mom digging through her purse, before she pulled out her wallet, and 20 bucks. I raised an eyebrow and made my way over to her.

She outstretched her arm for me to take it, and I stared at the currency in confusion. "What... do you want me to buy groceries or something?" I asked, rubbing the back of my head.

She saw the look on my face and smiled, shaking her head with a laugh. "Nope, take it. You've been stuck in your room for the past week, I think it'd be nice if you went out to eat with your friends or something. You're only a teenager once, after all."

I sighed and took it, forcing a smile to appear on my face. "Thanks, Mom. I'll do that."

Well, great, now I have to go out. I got the walkie talkie from my pocket and pressed the 'speak' button.

"Larry? Sal? You guys wanna go get something to eat?"

I waited a few seconds, but nothing came back. I was just about to give up and go back to bed when I heard someone's voice.

"Didn't you hear it last night?"

It was deep, definitely Sal's. I raised an eyebrow and gave the walkie talkie a confused look, even though he couldn't see it.

"Um... what?"

I heard a sigh, and then a groan following it. "The scream. It was right next door in 403."

My blood went cold and my eyes grew wide. i immediately threw on a hoodie and ran out of my apartment, and what I had feared most was right in front of me.

I heard the walkie talkie go off, but I didn't pay any attention to it. I was focused on the yellow tape that went across my aunt's door.

"Shit..." I mumbled softly to myself, and fished out the walkie talkie and spoke into it. "Are you guys in the basement?"

"Yeah, we are." This time, it was Larry's voice I heard. "Come down. We need to, uh, talk."

My gaze fell on the officer that was glaring at me and speaking under his breath. I gave him the same dirty look back, pressing the button to open the elevator. He said something about me being a "good for nothing kid," but he was the least of my concerns at the moment.

Before I knew it I was at the basement, and Sal was waiting outside of the door for me. I glanced at him, and he took ahold of my hand and quickly led me into Larry's room, to which found saw my long haired friend hunched over with his head in his hands.

As soon as he saw me, he leapt up and his eyes started darting across the room. His face was pale, and he was biting his lip. Sal had let go of my hand, but he still kept his spot right beside me.

"So, Mrs. Sanderson was your aunt?"

"What do you mean by "was?"" O glared at the masked boy next to me, which caused him to flinch.

Larry let out a sigh, his arms drooping from his head. "Y/N, I saw some fucked up shit. Don't be mad at me, you won't react well." There was a pause before he continued. "You remember how she had asked me to unclog her toilet?"

I nodded in response, already seeing where this was going.

"Well, this guy came in straight out of nowhere and started screaming like a total maniac. "I know what you did! Herman told me! You stupid bitch!" Next thing I knew, he was..." He trailed off and avoided eye contact, so I motioned for him to keep going. I wasn't the closest to my aunt, but i still wanted to know how she met her end.

"He slit her throat right open, dude. Shit was nuts. I'm surprised he didn't see me in the bathroom, but he cleaned up and left pretty quickly. I'm so sorry, man. I really am."

I stayed quiet for a few moments, everyone did. I looked over to sal, who was playing with his sleeves again, just like he was when we first met him.

"Did you see who did it?" I finally spoke, breaking the eery silence.

"Oh yeah, definitely Charley. I could see the outline of his fatass body." Larry whistled softly, and i turned to steal a quick glance at Sal, who seemed to be zoning out, before looking back to Larry.

"Well, did you tell the detective?"

"Of course I did! He wouldn't believe me without some kind of evidence. Like my word isn't enough." He huffed, crossing his arms.

"Sally, have you met Charley yet?"

He snapped out of his trance, narrowing his eyes. "You mean that big creeper from 204? Yeah, I met him."

I pondered for a moment, before snapping my fingers as an idea came into my head. "Larry, you still have that police scanner, right?"

He nodded. "Yeah, but what does that-" He stopped himself and smirked at me, and I smiled back. "Dude! You're a genius!"

"I know, I know." I giggled, wrapping my arm around Sal's shoulders. He looked at me, then at Larry, before tilting his head. "Where in the world did you guys get a police scanner from?" He asked, the confusion evident in his tone.

Larry and I shared a look, before we turned our attention the Sal. "We've had our fair shares of run-ins with the pigs." Larry said, shrugging.

Sal looked back and forth between Larry and I, and I could see in his eyes that he had no idea what was going on. I poked his side, grinning.

"Hey, you wanna break into that room with me?"

His eyes went wide and he pointed to Larry. "What? Why can't he do that with you?!"

Larry shoved his hands into his pockets. "Nah dude, I got to make the call down here."

Sal face-palmed, or mask-palmed (sorry) before nodding his head. "You know what, this might actually be fun. Been wanting to get into that room ever since last night, it's practically been eating at me." He finally gave in, sighing.

I let my arm that was draped across his shoulders fall to my side, the bright grin not once fading from my face. "Good! We got this!"

"Alright, I'll call in a bank robbery or whatever," Larry started, "and you guys can go and wait in Sal's room and i'll tell you when the coast is clear, okay?"

"Make it an armed robbery at a gas station, it's a little more believable."

Larry and I both looked over at Sal. I just shrugged. "Sounds pretty solid to me."

He nodded in agreement. "You guys should get going now. I'll make the call in about five minutes. Good luck."

And with that, Sal and I were out the door.

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