chapter 13

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//self harm! tw!

the blood mixed together with the shower water, slowly flowing down the drain. i sat in the bathtub in just my bra and underwear, a bloody razor in my hand.

my hair covered my eyes as i stared down at my arms and legs, which were both downright fucked. i had no idea why i decided to go back to some of my old... horrific habits, but today just really wasn't a great day.

i washed my body off in the now cold water, my entire body shaking. i wrapped the towel around my bare form and stepped out of the bathroom. i was happy my mom wasn't there. if she had saw me, she would've freaked.

i walked into my room and changed into some basic pajamas, which was basically a s/f/c hoodie paired with some black shorts. i was starting to feel hungry, so i went to the kitchen, and to my surprise a takeout box was there on the counter waiting for me.

i assumed mom had got me something before she left, since i wasn't the greatest cook in the world. i sighed, opening the box to reveal cold f/f. i stuck it on a plate and shoved it into the microwave, letting it heat up.

it was around 11:30 at night, and despite my tear stained face and hunched over figure, i wasn't tired in the slightest bit. i don't think i'll be getting a blink of sleep on a night like this. i was really upset after i was told some awful news earlier.

the microwave beeped and i took my food out, poking at it before slowly taking a bite. i soon scarfed it all down, feeling relief wash over me after i finally had something in my stomach. i looked at my cat on the sofa, stretching out their body before they made their way over to me. i picked up their body and held their nose close to my face, before lightly kissing it and setting them down.

i looked around my empty apartment, sighing out of boredom. my wrists and upper thighs felt like they were on fire. i rolled up my sleeves to bet with a completely red arm, bloody cuts going up and down like railroad tracks. i put my sleeve back down, regret shooting through me like electricity.

i ran over to where my phone sat and i gripped onto it, opening my contacts and clicking sal's name. the phone rang for a couple of seconds before i heard his sleepy voice on the other line.

"hey y/n, what's up?" he asked, yawning. i smiled softly, he sounded cute.

"o-oh my gosh, i'm so sorry- i thought you would've been-"

"no! no, it's fine." he sounded more awake now. sal rarely got any sleep, and if he did it wasn't this early, so i felt guilty. "i had just fallen asleep anyway, nothing big. what's wrong?"

"i-i uh, i just needed someone to talk to. i don't really feel too hot..." i murmured.

"what do you mean? you're... hot..." he drifted off, and for a couple of seconds all i heard was his light breathing, before he jolted back awake. "huh?"

"sal, go to sleep, i'll talk to you later." i giggled. i heard him shuffle around. "no, meet me in the hallway in five minutes. i don't think i'll be able to go back to bed now." he responded.

"well, okay. if you say so." i smiled and hung up the phone, before excitedly running to my room to put my shoes on.

i walked outside the door of my apartment, waiting for sally to come out. i turned my head when i heard a door open, but it wasn't sal i saw, it was uncle herman.

"uncle herman?" my eyes widened in surprise. he looked at me with red and puffy eyes, his lower lip quivering.

"o-oh, dear. hello, y/n. i didn't expect you to be out here so late... oh my, now i've just gone and embarrassed myself." he mumbled at the end, his head darting back and fourth between 403 and me.

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