chapter 21

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//im in love with him ^^ im really struggling to complete this book. idk what to do anymore, i lost interest in sally face a while ago >.< im sorry! im trying my best, so sorry if this chapter seems rushed/short/bad in general

btw tysm for 6k!💘i hope you all are safe. wash your hands and stay home!!

sal and i made our way to the science lab while larry stayed back, trying to find a way to get past the teachers lounge.

we opened the door and found todd by himself, peering through a microscope.

"hey, todd," sal walked over to him.

"did you guys find anything?" the redhead raised his eyebrow at us. we both shook our heads solemnly.

"no, she didn't budge," i answered, leaning against the door frame.

todd sighed, "that's too bad, they would've been helpful."

i opened the door and went back into the hallways, passing by ms. packertons classroom while going back to larry.

i decided to go inside, my eyes scanning the area. they landed on a paper clip, and i picked it up, stuffing it into my pockets.

maybe we have something in one of our lockers.

i ran out of the class and searched through everyone's locker. there wasn't anything of much use in them.

"man, this is hopeless..." i murmured to myself, opening ash's locker. i picked up her camera and inspected it, before grabbing it. she wouldn't mind if i used it for something real quick.

i found where larry was, and a smile plastered on my face as i reached him.

"any luck, larbear?"

"no, the teachers haven't moved an inch," he groaned, peering through the window again.

i tapped my chin, looking down at the ground.

"i'll see if i can create some sort of distraction so you can get by, okay?"

"that would be a big help," he grinned.

i found myself outside in the courtyard, the wind whisking through my h/l hair. i let out a content sigh, listening to the birds chirp happily.

i looked around for anything i could use, and i spotted lime green amongst the dark green leaves in a tree.

i went up to the tree and shook it, staring through the window where all the teachers were having their meeting.


"ouch! what the fuck?!"

i rubbed the top of my head, glaring down at the small tennis ball that hit me on my head.

i took it in my hands and ducked behind the tree, before throwing the ball straight into the window.

"huh? what was that?"

"did you hear that?"

"probably those damn birds again."

after all the mumbling died down, i went back inside the school and went toward larry's direction.

"did you see the file?" i asked.

"well yeah, i saw it, but i wasn't able to get s good look at it," he said, an edge of frustration to his voice. i didn't blame him, this was getting tiring.

"here," i took out ash's camera and shoved it into his hands, "use this to take a picture of the file. i'll make another distraction. be snappy," i snapped in his face to emphasize my words, and he let out a soft chuckle, rolling his eyes.

"alright, i get it. good luck."

i went back outside, dragging my feet along the way. i just wanted to sleep at this point.

i picked the tennis ball up and chucked it at the window.

"what was that-?"

the teachers questioned the noise amongst themselves once more. once they stopped talking, i went inside to larry.

"PLEASE tell me you got it this time-"

"dude, the file is missing!" he exclaimed, a shocked expression on his face.


"haha, i'm just kidding," he flashed me a cheesy smile, showing me the picture, "i got it."

i shoved his arm, pouting, "fuck you!" i groaned, snatching it from his hands.

i scanned over it, before a smile of my own fell on my face.

"i have an idea."

//also, i kinda got bangs? whoops-

they look fire tho😳

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