chapter 17

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i took in a deep breath, the humid nighttime summer air coursing through my lungs. as always, the graveyard was dark and empty, the only sound was the crickets chirping and the occasional hum of the leaves brushing against each other from the wind.

"got a lighter?" larry asked from beside me. "yeah." i responded, tossing him a lighter from my hoodie pocket. he grunted his gratitude and lit the joint in his hands.

we both walked through the entrance, making our way to the spot we usually sat at. ever since we were little, larry and i would sneak out and spend hours here. whether it'd be talking or goofing around, this was the place to be.

larry sat down next to his dad's grave, and i took a seat directly beside him. even if we didn't know whether his dad was dead or not, the police assured us he was and they put up a grave. it annoyed the living hell out of larry, but he stopped complaining about it a while ago.

we sat in silence for a few minutes, both of us gazing at the star filled sky. it had been a stressful past couple of days for me, and i could tell larry was feeling anxious, too.

"so, you and sal, huh?" larry teased, breaking the silence. i smiled, my eyes falling back onto the ground. it had been 3 months since sal and i started dating, and the gang was still freaking out over it. larry definitely seemed the happiest out of everyone to hear it, and he was still excited for us.

"mhm. me and sal." i hummed. "it's been really nice. he's the sweetest." i looked over to larry, and he passed his joint over to me. i inhaled it and heard larry laugh as i let the smoke out.

"have you two done it yet?" he asked, wiggling his eyebrows at me. i coughed loudly, beating on my chest with my fist. "what the fuck- you don't need to know that!" i glared at him, and he laughed even harder, taking his joint back from me.

i puffed out my cheeks, turning my head away from him like a child. "besides, that's girl talk. me and ash kinda talk. and you're definitely not ash." larry moaned, throwing his arms up. "what's the difference between me and ash?!" he asked, pouting.

i looked at him for a couple of seconds, before tapping my chin. "i can name a few things right off the top of my head. number one being: you have a dick." i said jokingly. he rolled his eyes, smirking.

i pulled one of my knees up, leaning my elbow on it so i could rest my cheek in the palm of my hand. i sighed, my eyes drooping, which was from a mix of lack of sleep and the amount of weed that surrounded me at the current moment.

"are you excited to see your dad later today?" i paused as i heard larry speak. was i?

i shook my head. "i... i don't think so, to be honest. it's been a couple of years since i've seen him." i said softly, pulling at the ends of my hair. "is your brother coming?" larry asked, tilting his head.

"nope, he's staying with my grandma. i guess my dad thought i was gonna brainwash him or something." i replied sarcastically, in which i earned a chuckle from larry. larry's met my dad and my brother a plethora amount of times, and it was safe to say he didn't like them one bit.

"everything's gonna be okay. if he tries anything, sal's gonna be there, and so will i. we'd protect you with our lives like fucking superheroes, you know that, right?" larry said. i laughed; it reminded me of what sal said over a year ago.

"you know, next time you get into a fight, you should tell me. i'll kill them with kindness."

i grinned and laughed. "oh wow, my knight in shining armor. so strong and threatening." i said sarcastically.

"just like superman."

"superman definitely would've fought travis."

"no he wouldn't have! he's a good guy."

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