chapter 12

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//WE'RE ALMOST AT 1K READS HOLY FUCKING SHIT YESSSSSSS💕💘💖💗💓💞💝THANK YOU SMMM!! shorter and chiller chapter today, i'm super tireddd :/


i picked up the tabby in my arms, peppering his kitty face in kisses. he rubbed his cheek against mine, causing me to giggle.

i heard sal laugh as i set the cat down. "sorry this is such a cheap ass... date." his ears went pink. "i'm kinda broke right now." he said, taking his messy pigtails out. his hair looked like it hadn't been brushed in days.

i sat on his couch, playing with the sleeves of his sweater. "no, it's fine." i hummed in response. before i came over i changed into something more comfortable, and threw sal's sweater on top to make it complete.

sal took the spot next to me, running his fingers through his tangled hair. i watched him carefully, before smiling as an idea popped into my head.

"can i do your hair, sally?" i asked, taking an electric blue strand in my fingertips.

sal chuckled, taking my hand in his. "yeah, i'd like that. i could use a makeover."

i frowned. "are you sure you're okay, sal? you seem... sad." i observed, leaning my head on his shoulder.

he stayed quiet, so i took that as my answer. i reached behind his head and started undoing his buckles.

"hey, wait, what are you doing-?" he asked, his eyes going wide.

i pulled away, pouting. "i just wanted to see your face. i like your face." i smiled to reassure him.

he relaxed, smiling back at me. he shook his head and went to take off his prosthetic. "you're insane. i'm totally unattractive." he commented, pulling it off his face.

"oh, shut up. i don't wanna hear you degrade yourself." i cupped his cheeks, grinning at him. his face went a dark shade of red, and i laughed.

he put an arm around me and reached for the remote, turning on the tv. he went to youtube and played some random jacksepticeye video. (ahaha ;))

sal suddenly snapped his fingers. "oh, yeah! i was gonna try and cook something." he stood up and walked over to the kitchen. i watched after him, raising an eyebrow.

"you haven't cooked before?" i asked. he turned back to me, giving me a nervous smile. "uh, nope!" he gave me a thumbs up. "it'll be okay, though! don't worry about me!" he said.

i flopped onto my back, my eyes glued to the screen. i heard loud banging in the kitchen, and i looked over to see sal messing around with pans. he looked like he had no idea what he was doing.

"you know, it'd be fine if we just ordered a pizza." i said, snickering. he turned to me like a deer in headlights, an embarrassed expression on his face.

"actually, yeah. that'd be better." he chuckled, dropping all of his kitchen utensils.

he pulled out his phone and made a call, so i took the time to find a blanket. i walked into sal's dad's room, and noticed he wasn't there. i shrugged it off and went into sal's room, grabbing the blanket off his bed and wrapping it me, sighing in relief as i felt warmth trail up my body.

i made my way back out to the living room and saw sal already back on the couch, a hairbrush in his hand. i giggled excitedly, jumping next to him.


i felt the couch dip next to me, and i glanced up and saw y/n's bright e/c beaming at me. i smiled, handing her the brush.

she sat behind me, slowly brushing my hair. i winced whenever i felt a knot being pulled out.

"i know how it feels, but you've got to brush your hair, sally." she said softly. i only nodded, as she struggled to get the last knot out.

soon enough, my hair was smooth and silky again, and she was happily humming a song. her arms went around my shoulders, and she buried her face in my neck.

i turned around, pulling her into my chest. i held onto her tightly, smiling to myself. we sat there in complete silence for a few minutes, neither of us barely making a sound. the only thing that could be heard was the low murmur of the television.

"if you don't mind me asking-" y/n started, sitting up. "-why have you been so sad recently?" she asked, tilting her head.

"well, it's a lot. you remember megan?" she nodded at me. so, i told her everything. about stacy, luke, larry's dad, the cult, i just spilled it all out. it felt good to finally get everything thats been stressing me out recently off of my shoulders.

"i get it if you don't believe me, it's a lot to take in." i said, frowning. she pursed her lips, leaning back in her seat, as she pulled the blanket around the both of us.

"you really think larry's dad is an alien? cults?" the h/c haired girl asked, narrowing her eyes.

"i know how it sounds..." i responded quietly, playing with my figners. "but i'm not crazy, i swear. it's really hard to explain, but i wouldn't lie to you." i said.

she smiled at me. "i know you wouldn't." she reached for another slice of pizza. it had arrived earlier when i was explaining to her everything that i've encountered in the apartments. it was funny, i accidentally forgot to put on my prosthetic and the pizza guy went running. y/n threatened to chase him down and beat him up, but i told her it wasn't worth it.

"that phantom i was telling you about. it looked like larry's dad." she said after a few minutes, setting the piece down on her plate.

"yeah! it did! i thought i was the only one who saw that." i laughed. gizmo jumped up onto the couch, positioning himself right on y/n's lap. she turned to me, a smirk on her face. "i think he likes me more than he likes you, sally." she teased.

i rolled my eyes, watching gizmo purr as she scratched under his chin. "you need to show him more love." she cooed, adoring my cat.

"oh, i do. he's just a drama queen." gizmo made his rounds, earning a few pets from me before jumping off the sofa.

y/n looked down at her phone, whining before putting it back into her pocket. "mom wants me home, but i don't wanna go." she complained, cuddling up to my side.

"what does she need you for?"

she scoffed, wrapping her arms around my torso. "i need to put away groceries. i don't really blame her, though. it's a pain having to go up and down the elevator."

i rubbed her back, and she looked up at me, staring into my eyes.

"you know i really like you, right? i haven't known you for very long, but you're one of a kind, sal fisher."

i gazed back into her eyes, grinning like a dork as she laughed. my face was beet red, i could feel it getting hotter with each second.

"y-yeah. i like you, too, y/n."

//an: i got a dog. her names gracie and shes a pomeranian. i love her :,))

 i love her :,))

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