chapter 10

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//slight gore ahead!!

"so... what seems to be the problem?"

i held a bowl of popcorn in my hands, a movie playing on the tv. the snow had started falling again, and sal and i were both wrapped up in blankets on the couch, our teeth practically chattering.

i reached over and turned down the blaring volume, which had been way too high. i plopped a kernel into my mouth, making a face when i tasted how dry it was.

"you remember when i started talking about that phantom i saw in the treehouse?" i asked.

sal went stiff, but he nodded curtly.

"i was telling the truth. larry's picture gave off this creepy vibe, and when i grabbed it, poof-!" i threw another piece in my mouth. "one minute i was in the treehouse, and the next minute i wasn't. it was weird."

"what do you mean you weren't there?" the bluenette tilted his head at me.

i glanced over to his face. he had discarded his prosthetic onto the coffee table a couple of minutes ago. he said he never wore it when he was home alone, but since i had already seen his face he didn't have much of a problem with it off. i told him he didn't have to take it off, but he insisted.

"like, everything went blurry; it felt like the earth had tilted. when i was finally able to see, i didn't actually see much of anything." i explained. "i was in what looked like this white void, the only other thing being there was that creepy circle."

he looked as if he was deep in thought. "did it speak?"


"i'm guessing you weren't able to make out what it said?"

i narrowed my eyes at him. "how did you know-?"

"i saw it before, a couple of weeks ago." he smiled. "when todd first fixed up my gearboy, i explored everywhere in the apartments for hotspots. i saw some weird shit, dude."

he paused to steal a handful of popcorn from the bowl. "when i went to larry's treehouse, it reacted right in front of that picture you mentioned. then it showed up."

"the phantom?" i asked in disbelief.

he nodded. "mhm. it tried speaking to me, too, but i had no idea what it said."

it went silent, the only sounds coming from the tv and the occasional chewing of popcorn, before sal spoke again.

"you know, the only place i haven't used the gearboy in is your apartment." he said, looking down at the object in his lap.

a shiver went up my spine as i thought of the last time i went ghost hunting with sal. "you're not seriously thinking about using your doohickey in here, are you?"

he laughed. "well, i won't if you don't want me to." he said, grinning. "but if you decline, i'll probably sneak in when you're not here just to make sure there aren't an creepy crawlies."

i rolled my eyes, squirming out of the blanket to get onto my feet. "well, let's do it then."

his eyes lit up. "really?"

i nodded and smiled, and he immediately jumped off of the couch, cheering as he strapped his prosthetic onto his face.

he walked around the living room and nothing happened, so we moved onto the bathroom, and there wasn't anything in there, either. next room was my mom's, and that came up empty, too.

sal closed the door behind him. "maybe you'll be lucky and there won't be anything in your apartment." he said.

last room was mine, and i silently hoped that there wouldn't be anything in there. i opened the door to be met with my messy room, stuffed animals and posters everywhere.

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