chapter 20

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we were all sitting at the lunch table, staring down at our lunches. maple and i both brought bagged lunches, but just the sight of the trays next to us made us lose our appetite.

"hey, um, does the bologna seem weird to you guys?" ash asked, leaning over to look at sal's tray.

we all nodded in agreement.

larry took a small bite of his sandwich, before he quickly spat it back up. "i'm tell you, this has got to be goat or something," he said, pushing his tray away from him. i resisted the urge to gag.

"didn't all those kids call in sick after bologna day last week, too?" i muttered. it wasn't a question, because it really did happen.

"aw, c'mon guys! don't ruin lunch for me, it's the best part of the day," chug complained, pulling larry's tray over to him. travis nodded in agreement, so sal gave him his plate.

todd pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose, before starting, "i doubt it's goat. i believe it's more so a blend of different types of meats, such as pork, chicken and beef."

larry covered his mouth, "dude, you're making my stomach churn."

"ugh!" ash rolled her eyes, "it's like the hot dog incident all over again."

"sal might be onto to something, though..." todd said under his breath.

"group huddle?" sal looked at us.

"count me in," i mumbled, standing up from my seat. i felt sick to my stomach.

"me too!"

"same here."

todd nodded.

maple looked at us with a small smile, "i'm gonna stay here with chug and travis."

we all stood up and walked through the cafeteria doors, forming a small circle in the middle of the hallway.

"okay," sal started, "so there's obviously something weird going on with the bologna."

"it's gotta be goat," larry crossed his arms.

todd shook his head, "i'd like to take some of the bologna to the science lab to see if i can find any signs of something nefarious."

sal nodded, "alright, ash, you go with todd. y/n, larry and i will go and try and get more info on the bologna."

we all agreed, and we split off into our groups, making small chat as we walked back into the cafeteria.

"you guys ready for that sanity's fall concert?" larry grinned excitedly, looking down at sal and i.

sal nodded furiously, smiling back at him, "hell yeah! this will be my first concert!"

i giggled, shoving my hands into my pockets as i watched them fanboy over the band. sometimes i felt like i was babysitting them.

"i thought i smelt trash."

we turned our faces to see philip glaring at us, his eyebrow raised.

"get bent," larry's eye twitched.

philip only smirked, "what are you f*gs up to?"

"watch your language!" i yelled, my eyes widening. luckily i didn't yell loud enough to catch any attention from anyone else, but i was still embarrassed i raised my voice that much.

philip looked like he was gonna throw another snarky comment at us, but sal gently gripped my hand and pulled me away from the scene. larry followed us shortly after, his face contorted in anger.

"the nerve of that guy!"

"don't worry about it, larbear," i said, rolling my eyes in annoyance. sal patted my head, and i smiled under his touch.

we came to the front of the cafeteria where our lunch lady, kim, stood behind the counter with a blank look on her face. i hid behind sal, she always scared me. it wasn't because of how she looked, but the way she acted.

"hi, kim," sal gave her a shy wave from behind the counter, "we were wondering where you get the bologna from?"

she looked at sideways, "why? something wrong with kim's cooking?"

sal quickly shook his head, "n-no! no, we just wanted to-"

"scram," she interrupted him.


"butts are for chairs! shoo."

larry and i looked dumbfounded at her, and then our gaze fell on sal, where he looked twice as confused as we did. he sighed and turned around, walking away. we followed.

"well, that was a waste of my fucking time," larry groaned, slumping down the wall outside the cafeteria door. he lit a cigarette under the palm of his hand, before he let it hang out the corner of his mouth.

"that was bullshit! that's what it was! yeesh, what's her problem?!" i crossed my arms, taking a seat next to him. sal stood standing, peaking through the window on the doors.

"i wonder why she still works here. she seems miserable all the time," sal observed, squinting as his eye set on her.

i huffed, "she should quit while she's still alive."

larry let out a boisterous laugh, nearly choking on his cigarette. sal gave us an amused look,

"you two are going to hell."

//sorry for the short chapter :/ i havent been much into sally face recently. i'll still try to choke out chapters tho lol.

my schools closed for two weeks bc of corona!! hope y'all are safe, make sure to wash your hands

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