Leaving Aadell

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In the ruins of Aadell, a town once run by the Dark Elf race, paced around a slender male in traditional Dark Elf clothing. His skin was pale and his hair was short and spiked out in different directions with bangs that fell over his left eye. On his forehead was a black crescent moon with three stars to the left of it and on the left side of his face, beside his chin, was a small beauty mark. His long grey ears flicked lightly as he continued through the remains of the place he once called home. The Dark Elves had been wiped from existence many years ago, leaving him as the sole survivor of his once powerful race. During the last war, the Dark Elves had finally agreed to form an alliance with the Lycan race, but had been an ultimate mistake. They had been betrayed. Not only were their armies wiped out, their land had been invaded and had been left up in flames. The only reason the man pacing around his destroyed city survived was because he had been hidden away as a child. He remembered his father telling him that he would have to get revenge for the Dark Elves and the tragedy that had struck them.

The man suddenly stopped his walking and kicked a piece of rubble to the side. He was getting ready to head out to get himself more supplies and possibly pick up some extra missions to earn a little more pocket money. As the Night Elf glanced toward the sky, he simply nodded. The sun was nearly gone for the evening. It was the perfect time to start heading out. Turning on his heels, he made his way back to the only building that had been left standing during the battle. It had become his shelter and held what little artifacts he had been able to recover once the war had ended. Once inside, the elf sat himself down by a wall and started to prepare for his journey.

The grey haired elf reached over and grabbed an old grey satchel so he could start packing it with the things he was sure he would need. He grabbed an Elven map that would make sure he was on the right path, a few bandages, a bit of food, a small amount of potion bottles, and a small dagger that his father had left him. Usually, he only used a bow and arrow but there were times he needed a dagger as well. The final things he packed were a thin blanket and spell book that the Dark Elves had created long ago. Once he had everything packed, he got himself up and grabbed onto a thick black cloak that had a hood so he could keep his face covered. The rest of his clothing consisted of black leather pants and a leather shirt that was cut at the shoulders along with knee high black boots. On his hands, were fingerless grey gloves and finally, on his back was a beautiful black bow with silver tips and red gems embedded in them along with a matching quiver that had the same symbol that was on his forehead embroidered into it.

"It looks like I've got everything..." He muttered out before he went to step outside the building once again. His grey eyes scanned the area carefully as he made his way toward the forest that surrounded the remains of Aadell. He took a quick glance over his shoulder as a light sigh escaped him. He could remember everything of that day so clearly and he hated it. Though, he had no time to think about that now. He had to get to the town of Lavanora, the main city of the Light Elves. However, before he could even think about reaching Lavanora, he would have to cut through Demon territory, mainly the town of Zilvadan. There were many demons there that would often cause the grey haired elf trouble, but he was usually able to ignore them. It would take him roughly two days to fully cross Demon territory, and then another three to make it to Lavanora. That meant, he'd have to find a Demon inn that would allow him to stay for the night. He was sure he remembered being able to find one the last time he was in Zilvadan, but the odds of it still being there were fairly slim since demons changed their territory up more than any other race.

After walking for about ten minutes, the Dark Elf paused and pulled his map out to find the shortest route to the Demonic territory. As his eyes scanned over the map, he found a path about two miles from where he was currently standing. It would get him to Zilvadan by tomorrow afternoon, which was exactly what he wanted to find. He then returned the map to his bag and hurried along through the trees, hoping to reach the path as quickly as possible.

Within forty or so minutes, the Dark Elf had come across the path he was needing to find. It looked to be fairly calm as well, which was a relief for the elf. That meant there shouldn't be too many issues along the way.


In the city of Zilvadan, a demon with short raven hair and dark colored eyes was resting on top of one of the many buildings. He was lying on his back with his hands behind his head and a stick in his mouth. On the right side of his face, there were several scars from previous battles he had fought in. The raven let out an irritated sigh as he sat himself up and glared towards the full moon. Nothing interesting had happened in quite awhile and it was causing the raven to become rather bored.

"Dammit! Give me something interesting!" The raven shouted out as he tugged on his short hair. He wasn't just any old demon, he was the demon prince. The demon prince known as Obito Uchiha. A sinister grin suddenly formed on the raven's face as he rose to his feet. He suddenly got a feeling that something interesting would happen sooner than he expected.

"Maybe there is something...or someone...coming after all..." The raven growled out as he licked his lips. "I hope it's worth my time."

((Hey all. This is the first chapter of my new story! I've never done a story like this before so I'm really nervous about it. I really hope this first chapter was okay! I also really hope you all enjoyed it! Please let me know if you feel like it. I'm not sure when I'll get chapter two done, but it is being worked on right now. Also, I have been here before. My old account was aMaskedNinja but for some reason the account was closed! Now I'm back and hoping to stay! Anyways, I'll update as soon as I can! Until Next Time!


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