First Strike

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The first day passed without any problems at all. The small group was roughly a half an hour from the abandoned town of Alnwick. Once they reached that destination, it would only be another day or so and they would be in the capital of the Human Territory. Obito stretched his arms out over his head as he walked along beside Kakashi. The two of them had been staying rather close ever since the incident with Kisame while the others have been staying on guard to make sure no one tried to sneak up on them. Kakashi was rather nervous and shaken up still. He constantly kept looking over his shoulders to make sure no one would be sneaking up on him.

"Hey...hold up." Kiriwar suddenly spoke up and stopped walking, causing everyone else to stop as well.

"You hear something?" Obito asked as he lifted a brow toward his friend.

"I actually smell something...It smells rather dangerous too. We need to be on guard and start moving a bit faster. We're really close to Alnwick." Kiriwar looked back at the others and motioned for them to follow.

The entire group started moving a bit faster now that Kiriwar had warned them about possible dangers sneaking up on them. Obito could somewhat smell it too now that his friend had mentioned it. It smelled like there was more than one of them. This was bad. Obito glanced toward Kakashi before he reached over and gently grasped his hand.

"Stay close to me... We can't get separated." The raven squeezed Kakashi's hand lightly and looked toward the others. "Be ready for whatever may jump out at us. We can't take any risks."

The rest of the group nodded before they all broke out into a run. As they ran, the sound of branches breaking from all over could be heard, along with deep growls. Suddenly a flash of yellow appeared in front of them, followed by a loud cackle. The group came to a halt instantly when their path was suddenly blocked. In front of them stood a man with shoulder length blond hair that looked extremely dry, and piercing blue eyes that were covered by long bangs. The fact that the man could see was a shocker. As far as clothing, his chest was bare, exposing several different tattoos. All he wore was a pair of torn up black jeans. He tilted his head back a bit and gave the group a wicked smile.

"It looks like the game of cat and mouse has finally begun. Which one of you do I get to take out first?" His tone sounded like he was slightly twisted. "Huh? Come on now. Don't be shy. Which one of you wants to play first!?"

A low growl escaped from Kiriwa as he stepped forward. Obito had reached out to grab his friend but he was instantly shaken off. Kiriwar removed his pipe from his back and held it at his side. The raven looked as if he were ready for a fight. Such determination made the blond in front of them grin once again.

"What's your name, mutt?" Kiriwar asked as he pointed his weapon of choice toward the blond wolf.

"Heh... So you want to be a bit on the formal side, eh? They call me Gunji. Out of the others, I'm by far the most twisted of the pack, not counting our leader." Gunji couldn't help but let out another loud cackle. "I guess you could say, I'm not right in the head."

"To say that, would be a bit of an understatement it seems." Kiriwar glanced back toward the others and motioned for them to go ahead. His attention was then turned back to the psychotic blond. "My name is Kiriwar. I'm the Demon Prince's right hand man and today, I'll be your opponent."

"Ah, you look like you'll give me a bit of fun for once. Come on big guy. Show me what you've got!" Gunji shouted out.

The blond wolf crouched forward and let out a low growl. He watched the raven closely to see what his first move would be, but he seemed to be slightly unpredictable. The mission for him and the others were to keep most of the group distracted so that Dark Elf could be obtained.

Kiriwar's eyes suddenly changed into a dark shade of crimson red. His teeth grew much sharper as well, ears turned into more of a point. Small black horns grew from the top of his head and curled backwards slightly. He rarely used his true demonic form, but for this fight, he was sure he'd need to use it. His hands turned into sharp claws and on his back, a pair of beaten up grey wings suddenly appeared.

Gunji watched the transformation without even flinching. He had never fought a demon before, so this was causing excitement to rush through his body. However, he decided to stay in his human form. He was sure it would be enough to take this guy down.

"After I'm done with you...there won't be anything left of that disgusting face of yours." Kiriwar's voice had turned much deeper as well. His crimson eyes glared toward the Lycan in front of him, but Gunji only laughed once again, his slender yet muscular body crouching forward a bit more.

"I'd like to see you try. I'll slice you into ribbons." He growled lowly and suddenly bolted forward at an insane speed, Kiriwar almost didn't have the time to block it. He held his pipe up just in time to defend himself against a punch that had been coming at him. He was surprised that it had actually pushed him back a bit.

"So... you've got some insane speed and strength... This will definetely be an interesting fight..." He may have said that out loud, but in his head, Kiriwar knew this fight was not going to be an easy one. He knew he'd be lucky to come out of this alive.

'Obito... Don't fuck this up...' 

((Hey hey! Chapter 19 is out! And good news, I have at least three more chapters ready for today! That's right! Big update! I've been writing for about 3ish hours and honestly, I'm glad I've gotten so many done today! Also, things are starting to heat up! We're encountering more enemies! Anyways, I won't say too much! Also a new character has been introduced! The heating up continues in the next chapter! Thank you for reading! You're all amazing! 

PS: I can't believe this has over 500 views! Thank you all so very much!! :3


New Characters:

Gunji: Togainu no Chi))

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