Prince Erwin

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A young blond male with light blue eyes had been waiting for a certain group to arrive. He had been informed that they were all heading this way, so he had kept this schedule clear so he could meet with them to see what they needed. He had been informed that it was rather urgent. He looked up when one of his guards came running in to inform the young prince that they were all here, but looked seriously injured.

"Bring them in and get a medic. They can be treated while I'm speaking with them." The blond rose to his feet. He wore a simple white shirt that opened at the chest and a pair of black pants with boots that came up to his knees. He stood in front of his throne with his hands behind his back, only to turn his head when he heard the doors opening.

The group was definitely a mess. They looked as if they had encountered a pack of rabid dogs or something. He turned to face them fully, watching as they all knelt down as best as they could. Erwin only shook his head. This was no time for being so formal. He had them all sit on the floor while a medic came by and started treating all their wounds.

"Welcome to the Palace. My name is Erwin Smith and I'm the Prince of this land. I've been awaiting your arrival. While you're being treated, tell me why such an odd group is here and tell me what happened." Erwin sat in his chair and watched them all carefully. The one that mostly caught his interest was the shortest of the group. A young looking raven with silverish eyes that looked as if they wanted to kill. Such a thrilling look and to Erwin's surprise, he was the one who spoke up first.

"We were on our way here from Lavanora when we were attacked by a group of Lycans. We originally had Kakashi Hatake with us, a Dark Elf and the last of his race, but we were all separated and he has been taken hostage. We were originally coming here to ask for assistance from you because we want to get into Lycan territory and find out what really happened to the Dark Elves. And now, we have a different reason for needing to get there... We believe they have him and we want to rescue him." Levi held his head high as he spoke to the blond prince. If he were to be honest, the way the prince was staring at him was kind of creeping him out, but he ignored it.

"The Lycan race huh? So they're starting to make their move again." Erwin got to his feet once again, keeping a close eye on all of them. "And the fact that they now have this Dark Elf in their possession...I can only imagine what they'll want with him." He had a bad feeling.

"Are you going to help us or not, you damn blondie. We're going after Kakashi whether you help us out or not so just tell us if we're wasting our time or not!" Levi spat out.

"You will not speak to the prince that way! Show some respect, you foul beast!" One of the guards shouted out. He went to strike at Levi for speaking out like he did, but Erwin stopped his guard rather quickly.

"No it is perfectly understandable." Erwin's actions caused the guard to step back rather quickly. The blond then looked toward the raven. "Tell me, was there anything odd about the Lycans you and your group faced?" He asked. He needed to know exactly what they were up against before making any final decisions.

"Your Highness, the one I faced seemed to have some strength and speed that I didn't think a Lycan had. Hardly any of my attacks worked on him, even in demonic form. Also, he seemed to be slightly twisted in the head." Kiriwar spoke up now. He didn't know what the others had faced, but he knew there had been something off about his foe.

"The one I faced just had a carefree attitude. He seemed to be able to predict my moves before I could even make them, and that is difficult for someone to do with a dragon." Levi huffed slightly. He didn't see why this mattered.

"Noiz and I..." Aoba had finally woken up. "The two we fought just seemed rather odd. It was like they already had information on both of us so they knew exactly what we could do. The very first thing they did to me was block off my healing ability...not many people know about that..."

"As for me, Kisame seemed to be rather off himself. He even had a form that went beyond his Lycan form. It was almost like a beast none of us had ever seen before. I don't know if the other Lycans can do such a thing, but he managed to take me down faster than I could blink..." Obito sighed in defeat. As the Demon Prince, he shouldn't have gone down so easily, but he had. He hated himself for that.

Erwin listened to them all speak without interrupting any of them. This kind of information wasn't what he had been expecting at all. After the war, the Lycans had practically dropped off the face of the world. Many thought they had been exterminated like the Dark Elves, but it seemed that they were showing their faces again.

"With all of the information you have given me on them, I think it's safe to say that you will definitely be needing some assistance in getting into their territory. The Lycans have been lying dormant since the last war, probably because they're the reason behind what happened to your friend and his family. I have decided that I will personally accompany you, along with a couple of trusted friends. Once you are all healed, we will make our way to Shadowfen to get your friend back."

They were all surprised at the answer the prince had given them, but at the same time most of them were relieved. Levi was still rather irritated with this prince, but he would have to deal with it for his best friend's sake. He glared dangerously toward Erwin.

"Look here blondie, you better not slow us down if you're tagging along. We need to get there as soon as possible." Levi hissed, yet Erwin chuckled. He liked this dragon boy and his feisty side.

"I can assure you, I will not slow you down. I just hope you can keep up." Erwin grinned when he heard the raven growl, but he turned himself around and ignored it. "This will be a very dangerous mission. Rest up for the night and prepare for departure in the morning"

Once they were all dismissed, Erwin walked over and looked out the window. Sure the decision he had made probably wasn't the best one, but he knew that small group would need all the help they could get now. It felt as if another war were coming all too soon, only this time, it was all of them versus a race that had been dormant for so many years. He feared for what the outcome would be.

((Mahhh I finally have the motivation to post this chapter ^^" I'm not sure when I'll get the next one done though. I'm rather drained and have been sleeping way more lately. I am sorry for that! I wish I wasn't so dead. But! It looks like the group has even more back up now! The prince has agreed to help! Kakashi bby! Don't worry, they're coming for you! Anyways, I hope everyone enjoyed the chapter! I'll do my best to update again as soon as possible! Thank you for reading! See you all next time!!


New Characters:

Erwin- Attack on Titan))

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