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This was him...the reason Kakashi had lost all of his family and friends. He could tell that this wolf was extremely powerful, not one to be messed with. He wanted out of here so bad, but he still had no information on his friends. He needed to get whatever information he could out of this pack leader, but it didn't seem like he was completely right in the head.

"W-why did you wipe out my people...? What did they ever do to you...?" Kakashi tried his hardest to sound brave, but he couldn't keep his voice from shaking. Allistor smirked slightly as he squatted down in front of the terrified elf. A strong hand suddenly gripped Kakashi's face, pulling it dangerously close.

"Aww, it's only natural that you'd be curious. I bet you're also wondering why you were the only one left alive. Don't worry, all of those questions will be answered." Allistor chuckled deeply as he released Kakashi's face and stood up straight once again. He pulled Kakashi up with him and pulled him toward a large chair that looked like a throne. The red haired wolf flopped down on the chair and pulled the smaller elf into his lap.

"Eh? What are you doing?" Kakashi asked in surprise. He didn't like this at all. The only person he ever wanted holding him like this was Obito.

"Hmm? Well it is story time after all, and I'd rather not leave a beauty like you on the floor. Now sit still and listen or else I'll have to punish you." Allistor wrapped a strong arm around Kakash's small waist to hold him in place. He then waited to see if Kakashi would try anything stupid. If so, he was ready to bite. When Kakashi showed no signs of trying to escape, Allistor continued to speak.

"Before the last war, we had already decided on exterminating the Dark Elf race. They were gaining too much power and it was posing a threat to us. I honestly don't see how the other races didn't see it coming. The bond your people had with dragons...that was a power the rest of us could only imagine. It was a power that couldn't be left alone. That was when we came up with the idea to talk your people into forming an alliance with us. Your people would mysteriously die out and the war would end up coming to an end sooner than expected. We would find out the secrets to your power and make it our own, however your people were smarter than we thought. They destroyed everything they possibly could that held any information about the bonds with dragons." Allistor paused for a moment and turned his head to look up at the moon.

Kakashi continued to stay quiet. Even he didn't know much about the bonding with dragons. He only knew that the dragon chose the elf. As kids, Levi had become his best friend right away, and his father told him it was the start of their bond forming. His father had been positive that he and Levi would be able to form the most powerful bond anyone had ever seen.Then the war broke out, and whatever information he had been learning had been halted. This man and his pack were the reason.

"A Dark Elf child had been born, along with a Dragon Child. It was said that if those two ever managed to form a full bond, it would be the ultimate power. That's a power I had to get rid of as quickly as possible. However, I still planned on getting my hands on said child when he became old enough. The dragon race was to die out along with your race, but my people couldn't get up the mountains." Allistor growled lowly, digging his claws into Kakashi's side. The elf hissed in pain, but said absolutely nothing.

"You're already aware that the child I spoke of was you. Now that you're old enough and I've finally got you in my grasp, I can tell you exactly why I left you alive." Allistor turned back to Kakashi, his green eyes staring right into Kakashi's dark colored ones. "I planned on making you mine. You were left alive for the sole purpose of becoming my mate and producing offspring. No one knows what will happen when a Dark Elf mates with someone of another race. It's been done with all the other races, but the Dark Elves were strictly against it. The results could vary in many different ways depending on what race the Dark Elf mates with. We did take some omega Dark Elves prisoner and tried it out, but none of them survived. Their bodies couldn't handle carrying the offspring of Lycans. However, I think you'll be different."

Kakashi bit his lip slightly. He hadn't been told all of this because he had only been a child when he lost his family. Everything was starting to come together now. Allistor had wanted his entire race gone to prevent the power of Dragon Bonds from coming into play, and the only reason he had been left alive was because he was an omega Dark Elf. Hearing that other omegas had been used in such horrible ways made his heart hurt. The fact that they were forced into such things, only to perish in the process.

" scouts did inform me of something else." Allistor's other hand was suddenly on Kakashi's stomach. The sudden touch caused him to flinch. "They told me you had already been intimate with a certain Demon Prince...and during that intimacy, you went into a heat phase and you mated with each other... That does complicate things a bit. You may already be carrying the offspring of a demon...and knowing that makes me rather angry. If you are, you'll have to carry it to see if you survive. If you do...well I won't tell you what will happen. It would be too dangerous to remove it because it could kill you. If you were to die, it would ruin everything I have planned."

Kakashi froze. He hadn't even thought about the consequences after he had slept with Obito that night. He remembered going into heat during that time, but he didn't think he could possibly end up carrying Obito's child. Now, he was in this situation, not knowing if he was pregnant or not. His body started to tremble like crazy, panic was setting in.

"I'll have to have you checked right away... Oi! Kisame! Fetch Nagato for me and have him check out our guest!" Allistor suddenly yelled, causing Kakashi to jump badly. "Once you're checked, you'll be brought to my room and carefully monitored."

Kakashi whimpered as the door opened suddenly. Another wolf with red hair and lavender colored eyes entered slowly and made his way to the throne where he knelt on the floor. Kakashi was released from Allistor's hold, only to be grabbed by the other red head. This one had a much kinder touch and didn't seem nearly as mean as the others.

"I'll be seeing you soon, little elf~"

((Heyo! Chapter 27 is finally finished! Got a lot of information in this chapter, but not all of it! I plan on going into detail about the whole Dragon Bond thing later on! Levi may have information Kashi doesn't have! We will have to see! Also, what on earth could the results be? I have plans guys, don't worry! Thank you all for keeping up with this story! I'll update again as soon as possible! Thanks for reading and I'll see you next time!


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