Unexpected Visitors

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It had been about two days since Kakashi and his group had been chased by the Royal Guard and so far nothing else had happened that wasn't too inconvenient. The mismatched group of four had just left the town of Aylin. It was a Light Elf town, but it housed members of different races. Ones who have either been banished or who have just left. There were several different Humans, Demons, and Light Elves all living together in harmony. Seeing such a sight had made Kakashi smile. Even he had been welcomed there when they found out he was a Dark Elf, and Levi was as well even though he was a dragon.

If Kakashi were being honest, he hadn't wanted to leave Aylin yet, but they were so very close to Lavanora. They couldn't stop now. He hoped that the High Priestess would be able to aid him on their mission in some way. He didn't expect her to go along with them on their journey but maybe she could give them some extra supplies or something. He wouldn't be too demanding, he would just be grateful for something small. He was already grateful that Obito and Kiriwar had tagged along with him, and he had Levi as well.

Now the four of them were heading into the Moonbright Forest. It was the last area they had to pass through before they would finally reach their destination. Since it was almost night time, they would have to set up camp in the forest and finish their walking in the morning.

Ever since their incident in the tree, Kakashi had been keeping a bit of a distance from Obito though. He didn't know what he was feeling but it definitely freaked him out and he was worried about getting too close to Obito now. It seemed that Obito had noticed it as well, but he didn't force himself to get too close to Kakashi right now. It was best to not make the gray haired elf uncomfortable in any way.

"I think here would be a fine place to set up camp for the evening. We probably should have just stayed in that town but going this far has gotten us closer to where we need to be. However, we should be careful and take turns standing watch throughout the night. There could be guards roaming through the forest and the Light Elves don't know we're coming." Kiriwar said as he started setting the stuff he had been carrying on the ground.

"I'll take the first watch then." Obito said as he sat his stuff down as well. "We'll get a fire started, eat and then settle down for the night. After me, Kiriwar will take watch, then Levi, then Kakashi. Does that order sound alright?" The raven asked as he looked toward the other three.

"Sounds fine to me." Kiriwar said as he knelt himself down and started making a spot for them to start a small fire. Kakashi and Levi both nodded in response as well before sitting themselves down beside each other.

For the rest of the evening, there was mostly silence between the four of them. Kiriwar ended up being the first one to pass out after they had eaten, and shortly after that, Levi and Kakashi passed out as well, leaving Obito awake and alone with his thoughts.

His thoughts instantly wandered toward his past. About seven years ago, his twin brother had disappeared from their homeland. All his twin had left behind was a note explaining that he had fallen in love with someone that their parents would never approve of. Their friend Pein had even helped Obito's brother fake his own death but as far as Obito knew, Tobi was still alive.That was the other reason he had gone on this journey. It was true that he wanted to help Kakashi find out what happened to his homeland, but Obito was also searching for Tobi. He wanted to see his twin once again and see who the other had fallen for.

He didn't notice it, but Obito had ended up closing his eyes for a moment. When he opened them and looked around, he noticed that Kakashi had disappeared on him. He instantly got himself up, making sure to be quiet so he didn't wake Kiriwar or Levi. Surely Kakashi hadn't gotten too far away from them. He was sure he'd find the other pretty quickly.

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