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Kakashi was led from the Throne room and down a rather long hallway that didn't seem like it would ever end. Nagato led the way, neither of them saying a word. It was rather awkward, but Kakashi didn't complain. It gave him time to process everything he had been told. He found himself worrying about what would happen if he was actually carrying a child. It was causing his anxiety to spike up once again.

"You need to relax... I know that isn't easy in this situation, but if you panic too much, you'll pass out..." A rather gentle voice spoke. Kakashi was surprised to find that it was Nagato who had spoken to him.

"Y-you could tell I was starting to panic...?" Kakashi asked lightly.

"Yes, of course. It's something special about me. Just by touching you, I can easily tell what you're feeling, however you also have panic written all over your face, so it was kind of a giveaway." Nagato glanced over his shoulder, giving Kakashi a gentle smile. "Just try to breathe for me."

Kakashi didn't respond. Instead he nodded his head and did his best to focus on his breathing like Nagato told him. One thing was for sure, the smaller red headed wolf didn't seem like he was a bad person. In fact, he seemed to be more on the sweet side, which put Kakashi at ease ever so slightly. He still worried about what may happen if he was in fact carrying a demon child. Would he even survive it, or would he perish like his people had.

"Come in and lay down on that table over there." Nagato said as he led Kakashi into the infirmary. The red head made sure to shut the door to give the two of them some privacy. While Nagato started to gather what he needed, Kakashi walked over to the bed to lay down as instructed. He still couldn't shake his nerves. He really wished Obito were here beside him to comfort him. Thinking of the raven caused tears to form in the grey haired male's eyes, but he quickly wiped them away.

"Hey...there's no need to be so worried. I shouldn't tell you this, but I know they're going to come for you... I just don't know when." Nagato had appeared by Kakashi's side with some equipment. As he started to hook it up, he simply hummed to himself.

"A-are you telling me they didn't get killed...?" He wasn't sure if he would get a direct answer or not, but he needed this reassurement.

"No. they're not dead. They were badly beaten up though. I think they were left alive for a reason. If anything, Allistor wants to challenge them to get you back. The original orders were to kill them, but at the last minute, the order changed." Nagato pulled a chair over and sat down beside Kakashi. "If they're lucky, and smart. They'll come back with reinforcements."

Relief washed over Kakashi, even if it was a small amount. They were all still alive, including Obito. He couldn't hold back the tears, so he quickly brought his hands to his eyes and cried into them. He felt a soft squeeze on his shoulder. He knew it was Nagato. He couldn't thank the little wolf enough for giving him this information, even if he wasn't supposed to do so.

"Nagato...thank you for telling me this... Just knowing they're alive is enough for me right now..." Kakashi kept his voice low as he wiped his eyes with the back of his hand. Now they still had one more task to accomplish before things would possibly get worse again.

"Are you ready to find out...? Nagato asked as he held up what looked like a wand. "If so, roll your shirt up for me.

"I guess so...I don't really have a choice." Kakashi hesitated for a moment before he rolled his shirt up enough to expose his stomach to the red headed wolf.

Nagato moved a bit closer and carefully pressed the tool against Kakashi's pale stomach. He moved it carefully. The wand was attached to a small tan-colored scroll. Nagato's eyes were fixed on it. If Kakashi was pregnant, the scroll would show a pink plus sign and if he wasn't, it would show a black negative sign.

The grey haired elf kept his eyes on the ceiling. He didn't want to look until it was over with. He was still terrified, but his mind kept drifting back to Obito, giving him a bit of reassurance. They would see each other again, he just knew it. He hoped it would be soon too. Kakashi wanted out of this place as soon as possible.

"Kakashi..." Nagato's voice pulled him from his thoughts once again. He felt the wand get taken away from his stomach. The results must have been done, but Kakashi couldn't bring himself to look right away.

"Nagato...I'm afraid to look..." The elf admitted as he clenched his fist tightly.

"I..." Nagato paused while carefully trying to choose his next words. "I'd say congratulations, but since you're here and in Allistor's grasp...I can't say that. All I can do is promise to keep an eye on you..."

Kakashi slowly moved his head. He knew the results before he even looked at the scroll thanks to Nagato's words. Biting his lip, he stared at the paper in front of him that displayed that horrid pink colored plus sign. Fear started to creep in once again, but at the same time, he was glad it was Obito's.

"What's he going to do to me when he sees this...? He said I'd have to carry it full term but...what will he do after that...?" Kakashi was scared to hear the answer, but he needed to know.

"If you survive and give birth, the odds are he will kill the child. That's just how alpha wolves horrid as that sounds. Once you recover from this one, he'll start trying to make you give birth to his own...if they don't get here in time." Nagato kept his voice low. He hated saying such a thing but Kakashi deserved to know the truth.

"...Listen to me.. I don't care what happens to me Nagato...but please, if you're the one who will be here with me when I have it, please take it and run with it... Do not let him kill it. I want it to go to Obito..." Kakashi placed a hand on his stomach and let out a shaky sigh.

Nagato knew that promise would probably get him in trouble, but seeing the situation, the red headed wolf agreed. It would be hard to get that child out of here and to Obito, but Nagato was sure he'd find a way to do it, especially if he was going to be the one to take care of Kakashi throughout this whole situation.

"I promise, Kakashi..."

((Sooooo I swear I did not forget about this story XD I started writing a bunch of new ones, got in a GrayxNatsu phase, started working on an old story, and ugh. I guess I did forget XD I'm so sorry but the long awaited chapter 28 is finally out! Yes, Kakashi is with child. Now the next chapter is getting kinda hard for me so please just bare with me a little longer! I promise I'll do my best to update as soon as possible. Thank you all so much for reading this story! I'll see you guys in the next update! Bye for now!


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⏰ Last updated: Oct 05, 2020 ⏰

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