Black Dragon: Levi

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Was he even alive? Well he didn't really know himself. The last thing the raven remembered was dealing with a couple of demons who thought he was rather dangerous. He remembered being able to escape from them and hide before he had completely blacked out. Now he was starting to hear voices again. He didn't know if they were friendly or dangerous. This could go one of two ways. He could either finish dying here, or he could be saved.

A soft groan escaped from the unconscious raven before his eyes slowly started to open. His vision was definitely blurry, but he did see a certain shape he recognized. Once his vision cleared up, a small grin appeared on the raven's face. Sure enough it was who he thought. A certain gray haired male he hadn't seen in many years. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't glad to see this person. However a scowl formed on his face when he saw an unfamiliar demon with the gray haired elf.

"I must say...I'm glad to see you, but who's the bastard beside you?" The raven asked as he looked between the elf and the demon.

"Well someone's attitude hasn't changed much. This is Obito Uchiha. He's accompanying me on a mission I have for myself and we're on our way to Lavanora. What the hell are you doing down from the mountains?" Kakashi asked as he lifted a brow toward the other. He suddenly remembered something that caused him to turn toward Obito. "By the way, this is Levi. One of the last dragons in the world. He can be a bit of an ass but he's a good guy."

"Don't compliment me!" Levi huffed out. He then pushed himself to a sitting position, only to groan in pain. "I came down because a rumor had reached the mountains, saying a certain Dark Elf was still alive, so I came to see if it was true and sure enough, it is." He said as he started to examine the wounds that were now patched up. "I'm guessing you bandaged me up?"

"Yeah we both did. Your wings are in pretty bad shape though... You might want to put this on for now that way no one sees them and risks damaging them more." Kakashi said as he held up a small purple crystal on a black string.

"And what exactly is that going to do?" Obito asked, an annoyed expression plastered on his face.

"It will help hide the fact that he's a dragon. If anyone sees him they'll try to kill him." Kakashi replied before handing the crystal over to Levi. The dragon placed it on his neck without hesitation and before Obito knew it, there was a bit of a purple glow before Levi's black wings and any other sign that he was a dragon suddenly disappeared.

"Hey it worked. You haven't gotten rusty." Levi smirked slightly then pushed himself to his feet. "So Kakashi, what mission are you on exactly?"

"Well, you of all people know that my race was suddenly wiped out by the Lycans and I'm on a mission to find out what really happened. The Lycans betrayed us and I need to find out all the information I can, which is why Obito is with me too. He wants to know the truth as well. Are you going to join us?" He asked.

Levi placed a finger on his chin, almost as if he were thinking over his options. He had the information he had come down to find but now Kakashi's mission had peaked his interest. The only downside was that he'd have to travel with some annoying demon but maybe he could deal with that. After what seemed like forever, Levi looked toward the elf and nodded his head a bit.

"I think I will join you. Your mission has caught my interest plus it will be fun to annoy that demon you're with." Levi grinned slightly and Obito only growled.

"If you slow us down, I will put an end to you myself." Obito muttered out as he walked toward the entrance of the building they were currently hiding in.

"Aw, you're just mad because you won't be able to put any moves on Kakashi now that I'm here." Levi teased. The sudden statement causes Obito to choke and Kakashi to blush madly. Neither the demon nor the elf had been expecting Levi to say something so bold. The statement was enough to cause Obito to turn around rather quickly as he gave Levi a death glare.

"Let me tell you something right now, dragon boy. This is strictly business. I have no interest in trying to do such things. We just want the same information, that's why I decided to travel with him. It's nothing more than that. Don't ever make such ridiculous accusations again." Obito glared harder before turning on his heels and storming out the door.

"Ohh I hit a nerve, but the way he reacted shows so much more..." Levi looked toward Kakashi and smirked. "You may end up with a demon boyfriend before this mission is over."

"Oh shut up!" Kakashi shouted out. He was rather embarrassed still and now it was even worse. "Let's just get moving before we encounter any trouble. That's something I'd like to avoid."

"Alright fine. Let's go." Levi shrugged his shoulders casually as the two of them also exited the building. They were both rather surprised to see Obito standing perfectly still, as if he were listening for something. Not only that, but Kiriwar was in the exact same position, both of them had their eyes closed and rather serious expressions on their faces.

"Uhm...Obito what's the matter?" Kakashi asked after a moment of complete silence. Obito's eyes suddenly opened when the gray haired elf's voice hit his ears. He slowly looked toward the other with a worried expression on his face.

"We might have some trouble. Demons are heading this way. They're royal guards. We all have to get moving right now. If they catch us this mission will end. Let's get moving and quickly." His tone was rather serious as was his facial expression. Kakashi glanced toward Kiriwar for confirmation and the other raven just nodded his head.

"Then we better hurry before they catch up to us."

((What's this? What's this? A new chapter after a month? Why yes it is! Ugh I'm sorry this has taken so long. I've had absolutely no motivation and have been doing a bunch of sleeping. I'm so sorry I made you all wait so long and I really hope this chapter was worth the wait! Now I leave you on an unfortunate cliff hanger and I am sorry for that as well, but I will try not to leave you all hanging for too long! Thank you all for being so patient and supportive! See you all in the next chapter!!


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