The Pack Leader

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Kakashi groaned as he slowly started to regain consciousness. He found himself lying on a cold stone floor, his head was throbbing like crazy. As he started to push himself to a sitting position, the sound of chains rattling caught his attention. Slowly he looked toward his hands and feet, seeing that they were all shackled against a wall. The grey haired male sighed and held his forehead as he finally managed to get himself propped upright.

He didn't remember too much of what happened. He had gotten hit pretty hard when he had been confronted by all the Lycans. When that memory crossed his mind, he instantly tried to stand up, only to tumble back to the ground. His ankle was still really sore and the shackles didn't help at all. He was beyond worried about the others. Were they alive or had they been killed during their fights? The very thought of losing them all caused Kakashi's anxiety to skyrocket.

Whimpering softly, he curled himself up against the stone wall and tightly gripped his hair. Tears were starting to pour down his cheeks as memories of each of his friends flashed through his mind. Obito had crossed his mind last. They had just become lovers, mates, whatever one wanted to call it. He wanted the raven back more than anything, along with the others.

"Ah, you're awake." A sickenly gentle voice called out. Kakashi had been so out of it, he hadn't noticed that someone had come in. His head snapped up and he found himself looking at not one but two wolves. Kakashi remembered these two. They had been left with Aoba.

"Y-you two..." Kakashi stuttered.

"Ah, yes it's us. My name is Virus, and the taller one here is Trip. We've been sent to bring you to our leader. He's been dying to meet you." The one named Virus smiled once again as he unlocked the cell door. "Grab him, Trip. Just be gentle."

"Right..." Trip's voice was slightly deeper, but he looked exactly the same as Virus. Kakashi remembered that detail well and it still freaked him out.

As soon as Trip was in front of him, Kakashi curled up even more. His anxiety was getting worse. He was practically trembling as Trip unlocked all the shackles from his body. Slowly, Kakashi was pulled to his feet, but nearly fell to the ground seconds later. He couldn't even stand up straight thanks to his panic attack and his ankle.

"Guess we'll have to carry him. He can't hardly stand up." Virus walked in as well and placed an arm around Kakashi's waist. "Come on now, just try to bare with us. We'll get you there quickly."

Trip silently nodded and put his arm around Kakashi's waist as well. With Kakashi securely in their hold, the two made their way out of the cell and started to climb the long staircase to get out of the dungeon. Kakashi struggled to keep up with the two of them. It had gotten so bad that Trip ended up lifting him bridal style and just carried him the rest of the way while Virus walked in front of him.

Kakashi knew for sure that he did not like being carried by Trip, or even touched by him. He didn't want any of these Lycans to touch him, especially after what they had done to his people. They were the reason his family was gone, and now he was the reason his friends were probably gone. Thinking about them once again caused Kakashi to start silently sobbing. He couldn't stop even if he tried.

"I know you're upset, but try to perk up a little bit." Virus said as they came to a stop in front of a rather large door. "Our leader is behind this door and it wouldn't be good if you were to go in there with a messy face." He turned and pulled out a white cloth so he could quickly clean up Kakashi's face. There was no point in fighting it either. Kakashi just fell silent. Trip sat the elf on his feet carefully, but still kept him supported. They probably should have had Kakashi healed before bringing him to meet their leader, but they hadn't thought of it and it was too late now.

"Enter!" A loud voice called. Kakashi hadn't even noticed that Virus had knocked on the door until he heard that voice, followed by the creaking of a door.

He bit his lip slightly as he was walked through the door. He was knelt in front of the only light source in the room. The light of a full moon that was coming through a window with iron bars. His eyes fell closed. He was too afraid to look at the leader of the pack. He only looked up when he felt a tug at his mask. Virus had removed it faster than he could blink, leaving his face completely bare.

"He's all yours sir." Virus bowed respectfully before quickly turning on his heels and leaving the room with Trip directly behind him. The door slammed shut, leaving Kakashi alone with a powerful presence. He had no idea where this person was, but they were definitely there.

"'re a truly beautiful Dark Elf... And you look so much like your father did..." A voice growled lowly. Hearing someone mention his father caused him to cringe slightly. He didn't want to be reminded of that.

"W-who are you and what do you want from me...?" Kakashi was completely terrified, especially since he couldn't see his enemy yet. As he was looking around slowly, he felt a gust of wind rush right past him and before he knew it, he was staring into a pair of wicked green eyes. He yelped and jerked himself backwards in surprise.

"You're going to do nicely..." The leader growled out. Kakashi watched in horror as the shadow figure in front of him started to transform. Before he knew it, there was a very tall man standing in the shadows. It must have been the Lycan leader's human form. The grey haired elf heard a soft chuckle followed by the sound of bare feet hitting the stone floor. Kakashi's eyes were fixed on the shadow figure as he slowly stepped into the light.

A loud gasp escaped from the grey haired male. Standing in front of him now was a very tall man with long dark red hair that touched his shoulders, eyebrows that matched the shade of his hair were furrowed slightly and of course, those terrifying green eyes were staring directly at him, almost as if he were looking at Kakashi's soul. A smirk formed on his face where a beard was starting to form. He looked as if he could be something out of a nightmare. There was a long scar along the left side of his neck, that looked as if he had been wounded in a fight as well. The sight of him made Kakashi tremble even more.

"W-who are you....?" Kakashi asked again, this time trying to sound a bit more brave.

" name is Allistor. I'm the leader of the Lycans and the mastermind behind the extinction of your people."

((Hello beans! Chapter 26 is finally here! I struggled a bit while writing this, but I'm glad that it's finally done! And yes, the pack leader has been revealed! Allistor is an OC I have been planning from the beginning of this story. He's a very wicked man and a genius at that! You'll learn more about him in the next chapter though! Thanks for sticking with me throughout this entire story! I've been enjoying it so very much! I hope to update again soon! Thank you so much for reading and I will see you in the next update!


((PS: Kale, when you read this, Allistor is an OC I plan on adding in our next AU!))

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