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'Who the hell is talking... And where the hell am I...?

Levi was still unconscious as a mysterious figure carried him to where the others had been brought. He picked up on at least two voices. Both sounded rather familiar, but the shorter raven's head hurt way too much for him to figure it out.

"Make sure you put him down carefully. He's received a lot of damage just like the others have." One of the voices spoke. It was the voice of a female, that much Levi knew but that wasn't who was carrying Levi.

"I know that. You don't have to tell me to be careful with him." A different voice spoke, this one was a male's voice. It sounded slightly childish, but nowhere near as childish as that particular demon sounded. The unconscious dragon suddenly felt himself being put on the ground rather carefully. He could sense that there were more than just the three of them.

"Oh look! Farlan he's waking up!" The female shouted out suddenly. Farlan? That was impossible. Levi had left Farlan and the others back in his hometown. Why were they suddenly here?

"Shhh, Izzy, his head probably hurts. Yelling like that will only make it worse." Farlan replied as he looked down toward their friend. Both figures watched as Lev's silver colored eyes suddenly shot open. He found himself staring up at two very familiar faces.

"What the fuck are you two doing here...?" Levi asked groggily. "How did you know where I was...?"

"Your uncle has been watching over you since you left. He saw what happened during that fight and sent us down here to help. We've already got the others too." Farlan helped Levi sit up carefully. He was sure the other was in a lot of pain.

"Where are we...? And where are the others?" Levi asked as he placed a hand on his head. He was very dizzy, but he didn't allow that to bother him right now.

"We've brought you the rest of the way to Aertas. We're right outside the gates to the city." Farlan replied.

Levi's head shot up instantly as he looked around. He saw that they weren't alone at all. Kiriwar, Aoba, and Obito were all here as well, along with several other people Levi didn't recognize. He looked toward them all with a confused expression, noticing that there was one person missing. One very important person. He looked back toward Farlan and Isabel.

"Where's Kakashi?" Levi asked in a demanding tone.

No one wanted to answer that question. If they were to be honest, they didn't exactly know where Kakashi was, but they had a pretty good idea of what happened. As the silence continued to last, Levi only grew more irritated. He growled and slammed his fist on the ground. "I asked where he was! Answer me!"

"That's just the problem..." Obito's voice hit Levi's ears and it sounded rather distressed. "We don't know where he is... We can only guess what happened."

"Then you better tell me your guess real damn fast. You were the last one with him, I'm sure of that. You were supposed to keep him safe! What happened!?" Levi's anger only grew more.

"Levi, calm down. It isn't Obito's fault..." Kiriwar replied in a stern tone, only to receive a glare from the shorter raven.

"No it is my fault... Kisame found us and cut us off. I didn't want to let him go alone but...whenever I transform, I run the risk of losing control. I didn't want to hurt Kakashi so I made him run ahead without me... I can only guess they had an extra member...and once we were all taken out, Kakashi was probably captured..." It pained the Demon Prince to say such a thing, especially about the person he loved. The very thought of those mutts getting their hands on Kakashi made his blood boil.

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