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The next morning, Obito awoke to a loud banging on the door, followed by someone telling him that it was time to get up. He growled and shouted back at whoever was yelling at him. He was not ready to wake up yet, but the banging continued until Obito finally sat himself up in bed. He glared toward the door.

"Shut the fuck up! I'll get up when I'm fucking ready to! Now go away!" The demon prince shouted out. He was beyond irritated for being woken up at such an ungodly hour. His sudden shout was so loud, it startled the elf that had been asleep beside him, causing the other to fall from the bed.

"Ow!" Kakashi groaned and sat up slowly, one hand now rubbing the side of his head. "What the hell are you shouting for...?" He asked groggily.

"Oh...shit sorry." Obito had forgotten that Kakashi was in his room for a moment. "I'm yelling at whoever has the balls to knock on the damn door so loudly..." He got himself up quickly and made his way over to the side of the bed. The raven reached down and carefully helped the gray haired male off the floor. "You alright?"

"Mah...a bit sore, but I'll survive..." Kakashi replied while using the back of his free hand to rub his eyes. "You might want to see who's beating on the door though..."

Just as Kakashi finished his sentence, the knocking came once again. Obito had a rather irritated look on his face but he didn't argue. He grabbed his pants off the ground and motioned for Kakashi to head into the bathroom. He didn't want anyone seeing the other in such a state. Once he was sure Kakashi was out of sight, he went to the door and practically threw it open. The raven really wasn't a morning person.

"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't fucking kill you right now..." The raven growled out. Kiriwar had been standing on the other side of the door, looking just as annoyed at the fact Obito had taken so long to get up.

"If you kill me, I'll haunt your ass from the depths of hell. Now we need to head out soon. Get your ass ready. We still have to go meet the High Priestess and see who's accompanying us." The other raven spat out before turning on his heels.

Obito had completely forgotten about that small detail. They were getting a new person added to their group today. He quickly shut the door and hurried into the bathroom where Kakashi was waiting. He stopped almost instantly. He finally had a good view of the gray haired male and he planned on taking it in for a moment. Kakashi really was beautiful, especially without his mask.

"...Stop staring at me like that..." Kakashi suddenly spoke, causing Obito to snap out of his daze. He hadn't realized he had been staring so much but he could see how embarrassed Kakashi was now.

"Ehehe...Sorry about that. I got distracted by your beauty. Anyways, we need to get cleaned up and go meet with Tsunade. Remember, she's sending someone with us today." Obito smiled slightly as he made his way to the shower. He instantly turned on the hot water and stepped inside. "You may as well hop in here too."

Kakashi hesitated for a moment. The events from last night suddenly played in his head, causing him to blush madly. He couldn't believe that had actually happened. Shaking his head, he finally moved and stepped into the shower as well. He had never felt so awkward. Everything had happened so quickly. First, they had been confessing to each other on a bridge, then they were suddenly in the same room doing unspeakable things, and now they were showering together. How would they explain this to the others? If Kakashi remembered correctly, they had also marked each other.

"Stop thinking so hard, Kakashi." Obito's voice suddenly pulled the gray haired elf from his thoughts. He glanced toward the raven and sighed a bit before nodding his head.

After they had showered and gotten dressed, the two of them left the inn and made their way to the High Priestess's palace. Along the way, the two of them had found Kiriwar and Levi as well. Kiriwar was still rather irritated from Obito's outburst this morning and Levi just looked rather unamused.

The four of them walked together in complete silence. It felt rather awkward, but none of them wanted to even try to start up a conversation at the moment. It seemed like it would be silent the entire way there, until a loud, childish voice interrupted it.

"Good morning everyone!" The voice belonged to Obito's twin brother, Tobi. He was running toward the small group with a short blond trailing behind them. "You all look so grumpy this morning! Tobi say smile!"

"You are so damn loud in the morning... It seems that some things never change..." Obito grumbled. He glared slightly toward his twin before shaking his head.

"Tobi is not loud. Obito is just cranky as usual." Tobi replied with an innocent expression.

"Enough chatting. Tsunade is waiting for us to bring them in. We don't want to keep her waiting for too long. She'll get really angry..." Deidara spoke up from behind Tobi. He then glanced around the taller male to look at the others. "Come on. Let's get going."

The group of four nodded their heads. They were all rather curious about who would be coming along with them. After they left this place, they'd all be heading toward Human Territory. Not just any part of human territory, the capitol itself: Aertas.

Aertas was where the Prince himself lived and if Kakashi could gain help from him as well, getting into Lycan territory would be much easier. Sure their territory was well guarded, but as far as Kakashi knew, the Lycans had a bit of an alliance with the Humans, but he hoped that such a thing wouldn't prevent him from getting help.

Soon, the now group of six arrived at the home of the High Priestess. Once they were inside and all standing in the main room. Tsunade soon entered, followed by a rather slender looking elf with long blue hair that passed his shoulders and beautiful light brown eyes. She turned toward Obito and the others before giving them a gentle smile.

"Alright all of you. This young boy is going to be the one to accompany you on your journey. He may not look like much, but I promise you he will be of great assistance." Tsunade then turned toward the blue haired male. "Go on now, introduce yourself to them."

The blue haired male looked slightly nervous as he turned toward the odd looking group. After taking in a small breath, he bowed his head. "My name is Aoba Seragaki. It's a pleasure to meet you."

((Hey there  my lovely readers! Chapter Sixteen is finally out and a new character has been introduced! Aoba is finally here! Such a precious baby he is! He finally gets to join the group on their journey! Also, I'm very glad I was able to update this in such a short amount of time! I hope everyone has been enjoying it so far! Anyways, I hope to update again as soon as possible! See you all in the next update and thank you for reading! 


New Character:

Aoba Seragaki: DRAMAtical Murder))

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