Final Strike

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It was just the two of them once again. They had finally made it to the abandoned town of Alnwick, but without their friends. Obito was bent over, his hands resting on his knees. He was panting hard, but he managed to remain standing. Kakashi on the other hand, he had fallen to his knees. His hands were on the ground and his legs were shaking like crazy. Both were exhausted, but they couldn't stop now. They still had to get to Aertas, then they had to get back and find their friends.

"Kakashi...babe you have to get back up..." Obito panted out. "We can't stop now..." He reached out and wrapped his arms around Kakashi's waist before carefully pulling him back to his feet. Kakashi whined in protest, but didn't fight otherwise.

"I...I'm completely drained, Obito..." Kakashi muttered out. He was leaning against Obito for support until he was finally able to balance on his own.

"I know...but we have to keep going." Obito removed his arms from Kakashi's waist, only to grasp the grey haired male by the hand. Kakashi squeezed Obito's hand lightly and they once again started making their way through the abandoned town. Everything was silent, a little too silent. It made Obito uneasy. The sound of a growl made the two of them hault. This wasn't good at all.

"Four down, two to go." A raspy voice spoke from behind the pair. Obito spun around quickly, only to glare when he saw Kisame standing there, a smirk on his face. All he had to do now was separate Kakashi and Obito.

"You damn bastard..." Obito glared toward the blue haired wolf as he pushed Kakashi behind himself. "I'll put an end to you. You won't succeed."

"Hmm, we'll see about that." Kisame replied as he glanced toward the elf behind Obito. "If you don't want him to get caught in the crossfire, you should probably get him away from you."

"Ha! Do you honestly think I'm that stupid? I'm not letting him out of my sight." Obito spat back. He knew Kisame wanted to separate them. He didn't know how he would manage to fight while keeping an eye on Kakashi, but he would manage somehow.

The raven wasted no time. His eyes turned the same shade of red Kakashi had seen before. A low growl came from the raven's throat as his body started to change. His teeth grew sharp and long horns started to grow out of the top of Obito's head. His nails turned into claws and pitch black wings sprouted from his back, causing his shirt to rip to shreds. On the raven's right shoulder, the Demonic crest appeared, something that only showed on Demons of royal blood. It was red and in the shape of a pentagram, something Kakashi had only seen in books. He stepped back slightly as Obito finished transforming. He even noticed that a long black tail had appeared right above Obito's pants.

"Ah, so you finally show your true form. Can you control yourself though?" Kisame asked. "I've heard a lot about you. You may be the Demon Prince, but you have a hard time controlling that form. I wonder how long this will last."

Obito only growled in response. It was true, he hadn't had much luck controlling this form, but he needed to use it. He had to protect Kakashi at all costs. He slowly looked over his shoulder, noticing that Kakashi looked a bit scared. He turned completely around instantly and gently nuzzled the grey haired male's cheek. In his demon form, he was also a bit taller than he originally was, so he had to lean a bit to reach Kakashi.

"...I don't want us to separate but... I don't want to risk hurting you if I lose control... Run as fast as you can..." Obito muttered lowly. He hated this, but he'd hate himself more if he ever hurt the elf in front of him.

Kakashi nuzzled Obito back gently, but it wasn't enough. The grey haired elf pulled his mask down and stood up on his toes to give the raven a rough, yet passionate kiss, not even worrying about the fangs that could possibly cut him. Obito was surprised by the sudden action, but returned the kiss instantly. They broke apart seconds later. Kakashi's lip was slightly cut from Obito's fangs, but he didn't care. He returned his mask over his face after smiling one last time.

"...I love you... Please be careful..." Kakashi whispered softly. It was the first time he had said it, and there was a chance it could be the last time too.

"I love you too. Now go..." Obito smiled softly, but he could feel his sanity slipping away from him. He watched Kakashi run off into the forest before he turned back toward Kiriwar.

"Aw, that was so heartwarming. It's too bad that will probably be the last you see of him. Even if you manage to defeat me, you'll lose control, and you'll probably kill him yourself." Kisame laughed softly and stepped toward the raven. "Let's see which one it will be."

Obito slammed his slender tail against the ground and growled a bit louder this time. The royal family also had another ability with their demonic forms, and that was fire. Red and orange flames started to appear all over Obito's body, his hands were engulfed in the fire as well. He had to make this quick if he wanted to be able to return to his normal self.

He suddenly jumped toward the blue haired male, snarling loudly. Kisame jumped back at him with no fear at all. They clashed with each other, both growling and snarling. Only one would come out on top.

'Kakashi... In such a short period of time, I fell in love with you. I didn't want to believe it at first. I never thought I could fall in love with anyone, but that day I met you, I knew you were something special. I decided to go with you, not only for answers, but because I wanted to protect you. I knew for sure I had fallen for you the day we hid together in that tree. Holding you like that, I wanted to hold you forever... I wanted you to be mine forever. Now, I will lay my life on the line, in order to keep you safe. I love you... Please be careful.' 

((And here is is! The final update for today! Chapter 22 is here! Honestly, I'm surprised this story has this many chapters already. I didn't think it would go this far but I'm really glad it has! And I'm really glad to see that people are enjoying it. I've been having a ton of fun writing it. I really hope to get the next chapter done as soon as possible! I want to write more tonight, but I should give my brain a break before it pops ^^" I hope you all enjoyed the updates for today! And thank you all for reading! See you in the next update! Have an awesome day/afternoon/evening!


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