Chapter 2:

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"What are you doing in my house?"

After having a heart attack, my flight instincts kick in and I grab my bag and run.

I was fast, but this person was faster, and my wrist was being enveloped with a strong grasp.

The momentum from my sudden sprint caused me to jerk forward after being grabbed, and my bag which I didn't zip up flung over my shoulder, spilling out all the goods with a loud crash.

I shudder at the feeling of a tight grasp on my wrist, and slowly turn around to see who had me trapped by just holding my wrist.

I gulp at the sight, and freeze, my once trembling body now being frozen in place as I stare this man in the eye.

I couldn't stop staring.

Not because I was scared of what he will do, well yeah kind of that too, but because of what he looked like. 

His square well defined jaw line, his greasy brown hair, light brown eyes, and arched eyebrows, and his overall charm wasn't what was making me halt in my spot.   

It's the fact that this guy was big. I'm not talkin about six pack of beer a night big, I'm talking about six packs of workouts a night big.

He was towering over me and staring me down just like I was to him.

I swear I could've kept staring at him in awe and panic, but a subtle, less manly, more soft voice spoke up from behind the huge male towering over me.

I finally take my eyes off of him, and jerk my eyes to where the second voice was coming from.

Two other males were standing, arms crossed, and eyebrows furrowed in confusion. One of them with brown hair, and stunning blue eyes, with a concerned face, and the other another brown hair male, with brown eyes, and a little more muscle to the other one.

Both were in white T-shirts, and shorts, and when I looked, so was the one who had a death grip on my wrist. All of them also had slightly messy hair.

When the insane super human looked behind his shoulder at the two males, his grip on my wrist loosened, and I made another run for it.

I swatted his colossal hand off of me and booked it, bending over slightly to grab my bag, which still had a few items left in it.

Again this freak was too fast, and my wrist was being contained, and I was being brought into a body.

Arms wrapped around my figure as my back was pressed against something firm, I was being held.

I tried squirming my way out of his tight clutch, but to no use, and I finally stopped struggling.

After my frantic kicks and squirms completely stopped,I felt the huge male relax his arms a bit, loosening his death grip on me, so that I could get some air into my lungs.

"You done?" he asks, and I just hff as a response, and relax my muscles.

He spoke again "you new around here?" he asked, I nodded my head yes as a reply, afraid that my voice would fail me if I try to spoke.

I look at where the food and water flew out of my bag, and saw that the newspaper that mentioned the robbery was on the ground to.

"You responsible for disappearances of other peoples goods?" he asks, and by this time the other two males have stepped away from the spot by the kitchen and made it to what I assume was the living room.

"No, I just coincidently got here at the same time the reports of robbery was happening, and was coincidently caught trying to steal from you" I scoff surprised my voice didn't fail.

"Watch your tone young lady" the male holding me hisses, "I could call the cops, and they would lock you up so fast it would make your head spin" he adds.

His voice boomed inside my head, "no you won't" I scoffed. 

He let me go out of his grasp, but still held onto my wrist, and gave me a hard questioning glare, "your door was unlocked in the middle of the night. That either means you're stupid, but you don't peg me for the stupid type, but who knows, just because you have a big head doesn't mean you have a big brain-" I cut myself off once his face went hard and cold.

"Or it means that you leave it open as a precaution just in case someone you care about needsa a place to hide or stay" I add taking deep breaths to calm myself down, "someone who does that doesn't seem like the person who would put a girl in a cold cell" I finish, and I watch as his glare changes.

I looked over at the two other males, who both had their eyebrows raised.

I look back to face the other male figure to see that he has leaned in a bit, his look intimidating, "what's your name?" he questions. 

"None of your damn business" I respond, he smirks, amused by my answer, "long name" he says, "well I've got a short one, the name's Darrel, but you get the privilege to call me Darry" he says.

He leans in a bit further, "now whats your name?" he asks again, I sigh, "Aubrey" I answer, "can I go now?" I answer, feeling awfully tired.

Darrel chuckles, "no, how old are you Aubrey?" he asks.

"Seventeen" I answer lazily, "can I go now?" I repeat.

He chuckles again, "no, why were you stealing?" he asks yet another question.

"I really wanted to get caught by some crazily large baboon. That's the main reason." I shoot. 

He looked at me for a while longer, as if trying to figure something out, as if trying to figure me out, before he let go of my wrist.

I immediately turn around, grab my backpack off the floor and walk out the door.


My wrist was sore from the tight grasp that held it earlier, and it felt nice to have the blood flow through my hand, releaving the numbing pain.

I make my way back to the sucky house we're staying in and quietly enter.

As I place my bag down, and dig around in my backpack to see if I still had anything left, I was left disappointed to feel nothing but the fabric of the bag.

Looks like I'll be sleeping on an empty stomach again.

I slowly crawl into the blanket next to Oliver and try not to wake him and successfully get underneath the blankets without waking him up.

I find a semi comfortable sleeping position, and try to fall asleep, but the loud sound of my stomach grumbling keeps me from doing so, and I end up having another restless night.

All I can say is that at least it wasn't storming. 

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