Chapter 3

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Rustling from beside me woke me from my light rest, and I opened my eyes to be met with Oliver getting up from the few blankets on the floor.

Once he noticed me get up he jerked his head to the side to face me, "I'm hungry" he says with a pouting face.

His words reminded me of last night, and how I failed to get us some food, "I know, but hang in there, I still haven't found us anything to eat yet" I tell him softly as I look out the window.

My eyes squint shut as the bright sunshine that creeped it's way through the boarded cracks blinded my sight, and I quickly look away.

I look back at Oliver who looked like he was about to cry, and my heart broke at the sight.

I quickly got up and put on my jacket.

"Where are you going?" he asks confused, "I'm going to get us some food" I tell him, "stay here" I command as I open the creaky door into the sunshine.

The sun felt nicer than the nippy nights air, and I actually felt sort of warm with the sun shining brightly down on the Tulsa streets.

My heart was beating faster than usual because I was nervous to steal during the day, but that's what I have to do right now.

I didn't know how, where, or when I would make my move on the targeted house because I didn't even know which house to choose.

The sound of clanging and clashing of metal pulled me from my trance, and I looked in the direction it was coming from.

The house from across where we were staying, the one with the roof blown off was being fixed.

A couple guys were on top of the partially fixed roof, re building it.

But that wasn't what caught my attention.

It was the brown paper bags sitting on a big can. 

There is definitely food in there. The workers lunches.

My heart started pounding a little faster, excited that food was out in the open, ready for me to snatch, and devour.

I walked towards the house, trying not to look suspicious, getting too excited as my walk had a bounce to it.

I look back up at the workers, working hard at their job. Sweat beading on their foreheads, glistening in the sun's bright shine.

I continued to sneak towards the tempting brown bags, and when no one was looking, I grabbed two of the bags, and turned around to walk back to Oliver.

My plans of eating the contents of what the weighted brown bags carried was ruined when instead of walking to victory, I walked right into something hard, falling on the grass.

I looked up from the figures feet, up to see it's face.

My heart dropped.

"You again?" I hiss as the same hard face stared down at me.

"You're not very good at this" he says pointing to the bags which have fallen onto the ground beside me.

He reaches his hand out for me to take, but instead of accepting it to get up from the ground, I slap it away, and stand up on my own.

My wrist was aching a bit from where I broke my fall, the same one that was already sore from his death grip.

There was a moment of silence where we just stood facing each other before a loud grumbling sound erupted from my stomach, causing me to go wide eyed with embarrassment.

Defeated and embarrassed I slowly started to walk away, too discouraged to fight.

"Wait" he spoke up, and I turned around with a questioning glare.

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