Chapter 12:

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I wasn't my normal self when everyone sat around the TV talking, just enjoying each others company.

I was stiff, constantly thinking, and playing with my sweaty fingers. Why am I like this all of a sudden?

The guys didn't seem to notice something was wrong at first, but when I continued sitting still and playing with my finger never talking they began to become suspicious.

I realize what I was feeling now.

I'm afraid.

I'm afraid of falling in love with Darry, and I don't even know what falling in love means.

All I know about it is that when you're in love with someone you would do anything for them, your life isn't the same without them. 

The idea of letting someone become so close to me, letting someone mean so much to me scares me... because the last person I loved got taken away from me... the only person I loved.

I was cut off from my thinking with a kind voice, "Aubrey, you okay?" I looked up to see the gang staring at me, concern in their eyes.

I quickly plaster a fake smile on my face, "yeah, I'm just tired thats all, I'm gonna head to bed" I tell them as I get up and walk away from the piercing stares on me.

When I got behind the closed door I immediately started crying, I don't know why, I guess fear does things to you.

I crawled on the bed and sat criss cross apple sauce, and cried into my hands.


I completely forgot this was Darry's room so when he walked in to my breakdown I was completely taken aback. 

I quickly sniff up my runny nose, and wipe away the tears that have found their way on my cheeks.

"Are you okay?" he says worried as he approaches the bed.

I don't answer him, concerned that my voice would fail me, but he doesn't give up.

"Why are you crying?" he asks as he sits on the edge of the bed, the mattress dipping slightly from his weight.

"I wasn't, it's just dry in here" I lie.

He did not buy that shit for one second. He looked me in my eye and softly asked me, "what's wrong?".

I didn't know if I should tell him or not.

How do you tell someone whose house you've been living in, bed you've been sleeping in that you think you're falling in love with them, and are scared because of commitment issues?

You don't.

So you lie.

"I'm just on my period, that's all" I tell him, getting embarrassed from my lame lie.

Darry's eyes widen and his eyebrows raise at my reasoning, he shifts in his spot uncomfortably, "do you umm. Do you need anything?" he asks kindly, and I just shake my head no, "I'm fine, thank you though" I tell him appreciative of his kindness, even after I just put him through a very awkward situation.

Soda's call for him saved both him and I from the awkward silence, and he quickly gets up to head towards the door to see what his kid brother needs from him.

When he exits, he shuts the door leaving me with some privacy.

I quickly get up from the bed and go towards the tiny mirror to get rid of any sign of crying.

I wipe a few tears on my cheeks that I missed before, and blew my nose, after that it looked like I just woke up from hibernation, and had an allergic reaction to being awake.

I was about to crawl back under the covers to really go asleep, but before I could, soda was calling my name.

I walked towards the door and opened it to see Darry standing in front of someone who was beside Soda.

"Yeah?" I ask confused as to why he called me.

"I want you to meet someone" Soda says, eagerness in his voice as he smiled happily.

I take a few steps closer to the two figures... wait no... three figures.

Before I could try and see who it was that Darry was standing in front of, rudely blocking off my view, Soda was stepping aside, pulling a girl beside him, arm around her waist.

My eyes widen at the new girl standing behind Soda, her blonde hair falling below her breasts, her bright blue eyes matching Soda's perfectly.

"Meet Sandy" Soda says with a smile.

I narrow my brows in confusion.

Sandy who?

Those blue eyes are extremely similar to Soda's.

"Is she your sister?" I ask confused.

Darry lets out a unstable chuckle as Soda's lips curve into a smile.

"No. She's my girlfriend" he says as he leans down and kisses her on the cheek.

My eyes widen more at the contact.

"Hi" she says with a thick accent.

"Hi" I respond back to her, unsure of what to say.

"Sandy, this is Aubrey, she's been living with us for a while" Soda says.

Her eyes narrow at me, grip tightening on his waist as she eyes me up and down.

Does this chick really think I'm out to steal her man? 

More like his older brother.

I slightly chuckle to myself.

"She's going to be staying with us for a while, just till we sort some things out" Soda says with a stiff smile as he looks over to Sandy.

I cock my head to the side puzzled at the sudden awkward aura in the room.

"Okay, nice to meet you Sandy, I'm tires, so I'm gonna go to bed, I'll see you guys tomorrow" I tell them, breaking the silence.

They say their good nights as I exit the room and into the one I was previously crying in.

What's going on with them?


Sorry this chapter was really short, I thought it would be longer... but clearly I was wrong.

I have a question for everyone.

How the hell does online school work?

Like seriously, two days in, and I'm already having troubles. This is gonna be a fun time.

But in all seriousness, I hope everyone is safe, and that your loved ones are safe. I hope that you all aren't too bored, and if you are doing online school, that you're doing better than I am with it.

Till next chapter!

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