Chapter 13:

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*The next night*

I was laying in bed trying to fall asleep, listening to the sound of my own steady breathing and heartbeat when I suddenly became uncomfortable again.

I groan in annoyance and flip around to the other side in hopes that maybe I could get comfortable to get to sleep, but when the same sore feeling in my shoulder started to aggravate me again, I instantly sit up annoyed.

I look around the dark room as if it would somehow magically send me to bed, but when I still felt awake, I decided to crawl out of the bed, turn on the light, and get changed to go for a midnight stroll.

I kept as quiet as possible as I snuck out of Darry's room and into the dark living room.

I tried my best to see in the dark and avoid knocking anything over, and waking anyone else up.

When I got to the front door and opened it with only a slight 'creak' I smiled to myself in victory and silently close the door.

The night's breeze felt nice as the cool air only slightly made it's way through my jacket and jeans.

It was a quiet night. No harsh winds, or crickets singing their mating calls.

It was almost silent.

There were stars littering the black sky and the crescent moon gleamed in all it's glory, looking down at the peacefully sleeping town.

I didn't know where I would go, so I just thought I would go to the lot and back, considering thats the only place I really know of.

The crunching of the rocks and dirt underneath my converse was the only sound that could be heard as I walked to the lot in the dark, only the stars and moon lighting my way.

When I got to the lot the wind started to pick up quite a bit and I could feel some goosebumps crawl their way up my once warm skin.

I crossed my arms for some warmth and headed back.

When the sound of my shoes on the gravel beneath me wasn't the only thing I could hear, and the faint sound of an engine slowly got closer was when I realized this was a mistake.

I was walking alone in the dark, in the streets of Tulsa with nothing to protect myself, and no one to protect me.

When the engine got louder... no closer, and the mumbled words turned into clear yelling is when my heart began to pick up it's normal pace.

I stretched my legs out farther and began walking more quickly in hopes to make it to the Curtis house before that car reaches me.

But when I could see a light in front of me, and could feel the stares of people piercing my back is when I knew I wouldn't make it.

The engine shut off and I heard the sounds of the doors opening and then being slammed shut.

I didn't dare look back, only looked ahead, hoping that I would make it.

"Why is a girl like yourself walking alone in the night streets" a deep male voice says, slurring his words a bit, clearly drunk.

My breathing picked up as the fast walking finally got to me, but I didn't stop.

"Why are you walking so fast?" a different male voice calls out, "come on, we wanna talk" another one calls out.

How many of them are there?

I quicken my pace again so that I'm almost running and when I heard the footsteps from behind me get faster and louder, I bolt.

I could feel a hand on my arm, and my eyes widen in fear, but before anything else happened a familiar voice called out, "don't touch her!" I looked to the side from where the yell came from and was thankful to see Dally running over to me.

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