Chapter 6:

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I woke up in a comfortable bed with an aura of a delicious smell circling around me.

I wiped some of the sleep from my eyes, and got out of the bed to see what was going on.

When I opened the wooden door the smell intensified, and I had to constantly swallow back the saliva that was forming.

I head into the kitchen to see that a short figure was standing next to a tall one, looking up on his tippy toes at the pan that was on the stove making a sizzling noise.

My attention was drawn from the two making a mess in the kitchen to the living room where six guys sat, waiting patiently for the food to be done so they can scarf it down.

"Hey Aubrey" Two greets in a cheery tone as he holds up his beer in a greeting type of way.

Beer in the morning?

I greet the rest of the gang, and turn my attention back to the two in the kitchen.

"Look Aubrey, look at what I'm doing!" he says excited and proud as he begins to flip one of the pancakes. 

As much as I tried to look at him flipping a pancake around with such a proud smile, I couldn't because of that other damn smile beside him.

Darry was looking down at Oliver with such a caring smile that it made my stomach drop a bit, but it grew more questions than butterflies.

This guy is letting us stay in his home while he has so much more teenagers to look after, and he isn't complaining a bit.

Instead, he calmly taught Oliver how to flip the eggs to make the perfect over easy egg.

His muscular arm next to Oliver's thin one was such a contrast that I couldn't take my eyes off of them.

Each movement he took when he went to help Oliver with something was gentle and not rushed, making sure he doesn't hurt the frail boy next to him.

Suddenly all my doubts I had about this man, and this place vanished,or at least went into my conscious, and I felt relaxed. For once I wasn't on edge.

Soda gets up from the couch and heads over to the kitchen, grabbing a few plates, I quickly rush over to help him, and set them down on the table. I then finished it off with the forks and knives.


After finishing eating I made sure that I was so full if I even ate a crumb of the soft pancake, I would throw it up along with the rest of my breakfast.

I took off all the plates, and placed them on the counter next to the sink, and waved off the gang when they went to get on with their day.

Oliver went with Pony and Johnny for a walk, and I didn't have any worries. Normally I would be freaking out, but for some reason I'm not, and that's whats freaking me out.

I finished taking off the last plate and stacked it on the other ones, and started to dry the dishes Darry finished.

"You don't have to" he says as he sets a fork down, "I do" I say as I look up at him.

We stayed like that for a few seconds before I picked up a glass and started to dry it, "why are you helping us?" I ask after a breath of courage, he stops washing, and looks down at me, his blue eyes.

"Because you don't deserve living like that" he says, "you don't even know me?" I question again, "I know that you love Oliver. That you will do anything to make sure he's safe, I respect that. Someone who puts someone else's needs before theirs is someone who doesn't deserve to live in a rotting house" he says as he places the plate onto the counter for me to dry.

"You're brothers" I say as I pick up the plate and begin to dry them, "you'd do anything for your brothers" I say, and he nods his head, "you'd do anything for your friends, and anything for a stranger" I add.

"Something tells me you deserve a lot more then what you're getting" I tell him as I finish drying off the plate.

"I'm very lucky to have what I have" he says looking me in the eye again.

This guy is something else.

I chuckle, "yeah, you are" I tell him as I put the drying towel down.

After putting the towel down he looks at me with a funny look on his face, and I narrow my eyebrows in confusion, but before I could ask what he was looking at, bubbles were being thrown in my face.

I slightly jumped when the wet foaming bubbles landed on my cheeks, and neck, but my slight moment of fear didn't last for long, and instead of hiding in a corner with my knees tight to my chest, I was grabbing the left over bubbles from my face and neck, and rubbing it on Darry's shirt.

That's when the bubble war started.

Darry grabbed more bubbles from the sink, and rubbed them in my hair. 

I reached in the sink to grab some bubbles to get even, and once my hands were holding them, I blew some in his face.

He laughed as he swiped them away with his hand, and placed his hand in the sink.

My eyes squeezed shut when water started to be splashed towards me, and I laughed as I blindly tried to make an escape.

"Where ya goin?" he asks as I feel more water being splashed onto my once dried body.

The splashing finally stopped, and I wearily opened one of my eyes, and opened the other once I found out the cost was clear.

"You're lucky I ran out of water" he says, his chest heaving up and down, the middle wet from where the bubbles landed.

I was about to speak when the front door opened, and both Darry and I looked to see Dally entering. 

"Did I miss breakfas- what happened here?" he asked as he furrowed his eyebrows, "dishes" I respond, "and yes, you missed breakfast, but there is some bacon in the fridge" Darry says as he points to the fridge.

"Thanks Darry" he thanks as he heads toward the fridge, not minding the soap and water everywhere.

"I'll see ya around" he says after grabbing the left over bacon and heading back out the door.

I look back into the kitchen and sigh once I see the mess we've made, "now we have to clean up another mess" I groan as I start to dry off the tables and counters.


After what seemed like forever cleaning the mess in the kitchen, I felt gross and itchy from the soap.

Darry must've noticed me scratching at my arms uncomfortably, and told me where the bathroom was, "thanks" I say, "no problem, towels are behind the door" he says as he walks off.

I shut the door and start to get ready for my first ever shower... with hot water.

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