Chapter 10:

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After the tingly feeling in my lower abdomen finally went away I was able to slip away into a peaceful sleep.

"Stop it!" I manage to yell out. The fingers digging into my ribs made the air in my lungs leave my lungs in a forceful laugh.

"I thought I told you I would tickle you if you did that again!" a masculine voice speaks out as he continues to tickle me.

My kicking legs, flailing arms, and squirming body wasn't a match against Darry's bear like body hovering over me as he playfully tickles me.

"Stop!" I yell again as I try to catch my breath and escape the body above me.

"Okay. I'll stop" he says as he finally lays off with the hands and pins my arms above my head.

"I'll do this instead" he says as he kisses me patiently. 

My eyes flutter open to meet the bright morning light of Darry's bedroom. 

The butterflies in my stomach slowly faded as I realized it was just a dream, and that I'm alone, and that Darry isn't beside me.

Sadly I finally get up, Darry's oversized shirt making the butterflies return to me stomach.

I head to the kitchen to get a glass of water.

As I walk out of the room, I am met with a sight of Darry peacefully sleeping on the couch, the sun shining through the window, landing perfectly on his sleeping figure, illuminating his body.

I can't stop staring. 

Not even my dry mouth and slight headache is enough to pull my sight away from my him.

His eyes begin to flutter open so I quickly grab a newspaper and sit down on the floor, pretending like I'm reading it.

Darry finally wakes up, sitting up, yawning lightly.

"Good morning" I say in the calmest voice I can manage.

"Morning. What are you doing?" he asks me, cocking his head to the side as he oddly eyes me holding the newspaper.

"I'm reading an article about..." I look down at the paper "mysterious... clogged... toilets" I tell him, mentally face palming myself for picking the worst possible newspaper.

"I didn't really know what it was about" I tell him with an odd chuckle.

He raises an eyebrow at me and gets up from the couch and heads to his room to get changed.

Before he enters the room he turns around, a smile on his face, "happy birthday, Aubrey" he says with a smile.

He then closes the door behind him.

It's my birthday.

I totally forgot.

I'm eighteen.

Before I could overthink, the door to Darry's room opens and Darry steps out.

He goes into the kitchen, I follow him.

"Need any help?" I ask him, and he looks behind his shoulder.

"Yeah, sure, I could use some help" he says.

I walk up to the counter to stand beside him.

Then it hit me.

I've never made anything before.

"Do you want to make the eggs?" he asks as he reaches into the fridge, grabbing the eggs.

"I... I umm... I never cooked before" I tell him honestly.

He chuckles and puts the carton of eggs down on the counter.

"I'll teach you" he says kindly.

"Let's start with the easiest thing to do; turning on the oven" he says as his hand goes down to the stove.

He teaches me a lot, so much I thought my brain would explode.

He taught me how to turn on the oven, flip an egg, flip a pancake, how to get the perfect amount of crisp on bacon, and a lot of other things which I kinda already forgot...

When we were done, the kitchen was left a mess.

Flour was on the floor and counter, egg shells everywhere, and milk spilled in some places.

"I ended up making more of a mess, then I did help" I tell him looking around the messy kitchen.

Before Darry could answer the front door opens, and the gang walks through.

They eye the kitchen sceptically "did something explode?" Steve asks as he eyes the kitchen more.

"Only my cooking future" I tell him.

The kitchen may have been a mess, but the living room wasn't, so we ate our breakfast there, watching TV. 

My eyes weren't glued onto the screen showing Mickey dancing around a car as I chewed my bacon, instead, they were locked onto the handsome figure; Darry.

I could feel someone's stare on me, so I looked away from Darry to see Pony staring at me, giving me a smirk as he looks to Darry.

I look down embarrassed, my cheeks turning a bright pink.

Did anyone else notice?

Hey guys... it's been a hot minute. 

I know this chapter sucked and was really short, but I just wanted to get something posted for you because I haven't posted in a long time.

I think you guys deserve an explanation to why I haven't been posting or updating you guys at all.

So, first off, I have MAJOR writers block, and I have for a while now, and I can't seem to get rid of it, not even with all the comments and ideas I have for different stories, and for this one.

Second of all, a lot of personal things are going on making it really hectic to try and write, and when I do find the time, I never want to write.

I don't want to go into too much detail, but I want to tell you guys because I need to tell someone.

First of all, I'm moving. I know that isn't such a big deal, but it's tough because where we're moving to is where I used to live. We moved from my home town to here, but it didn't work out, so now we're moving back... my senior year.

It just sucks to have to start all over again after having to get used to here, and after I finally felt like this place was home, WE'RE MOVING! TO THE SAME SPOT WHERE WE MOVED FROM IN THE FIRST PLACE.

Sorry. Enough with that.

Second a family member passed away, and it's been pretty tough to deal with, so theres that.

Third of all family drama has been really stressful. We all have family drama, I know, but it's from both sides of the family, and in my family. All different things, and it's getting really hard.

Lastly another really close family member hasn't been doing well and he's been in the hospital for a while, and it's been really difficult to deal with.

I don't mean to tell a sob story, I just wanted to tell you guys.

I'm sorry for not posting, and I'll try to get some chapters out, but I'll be honest they might not be to often.

I'm really trying to get chapters out, but I don't want to make them suck like this one did, so I might wait a while till I feel inspiration to write again.

Again, I'm so sorry.

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