Chapter 16:

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When I heard that someone was bailing me out of this place, I knew it was Darry, and on any other occasion I would be thankful, but Darry was the last person I wanted to see.

If you could turn down a bail payment, I would've.

The anger boiling through my blood only grew more hot as I got closer to the exit of the jail.

My plan was to turn before he could see me, but when I opened the door and he was standing a few feet from it, there was no way I could avoid him.

I didn't even have to try and act angrier than I already was.

I didn't even look at him as I walked right past him, bumping into him a little.

"Not even a thank you for bailing you outta jail for stealing my brothers fiance's ring?" he says in an annoyed tone.

I lost it.

Turning around and walking closer to him so that I wouldn't have to yell as loud on the open streets "you lied to me" I shout aggressively.

He looked at me, eyebrows narrowed, and face in a state of confusion, but then, his eyes lit up and his posture shrunk as he remembered what he did.

"Don't try to turn this conversation around on me-" he was saying when I cut him off "no! This is not about me! You know I didn't steal that ring! This is about you and the fact that you lied to me about my brother!" I couldn't help but yell, getting a few strange looks from pedestrians walking by.

"How could you let him go just like that, and lie to me about it?" I ask hurt, trying not to let my tears fall.

"There was nothing I could've done" he says lowly.

"So you lie to me!" I yell again, this time more people looking at me oddly, but I could care less about them, I was so hurt, so angry, and so betrayed.

The regret in his eyes wasn't enough for the pain I felt.

Lifting my arm up, I swung hard at his jaw, my knuckles connecting perfectly.

He falters a bit, but I didn't pay much more attention to him from the pain in my wrist.

"Dammit!" I yell from the pain, grabbing onto my wrist as I look back up at Darry one last time before walking away.

I didn't have anywhere to go.

There was no way I was going back to the Curtis house, so I ended up just walking the streets of Tulsa.

I was walking more downtown so there were more people than usual.

I needed a place to sit down and think for a minute, but I was so anxious I could stop moving.

I must've walked around the town three times before I saw a familiar face.


I walk up to him.

"Hey" I greet him, "hi" he replies as he continues walking.

I walk with him to wherever he's going, and he looks at me confused.

"What are you doing?" he asks as he looks around, "it's getting dark, you should head back to the Curtis place" he says.

I didn't want to talk about what had just happened, so I said, "I want to hang out with you" which wasn't exactly a lie, it was nice to see Dally, he would know how to keep my mind off of Darry.

"Well no can do, I'm heading back to Buck's place for a party" he explains.

I smirk, "cool, I'll join" I tell hi, starting to walk in the directions of Buck's.

"No you're not" he says grabbing onto my arm, stopping me from forgetting the pain.

"Why not?" I ask, "because it's a party, my guess is you haven't been to one before" he says in a serious tone.

"So?" I tell him, "so Buck's isn't the best place for a girl whose never partied before" he says eyeing me up and down, "especially if that girl is you" he adds causing me to scoff.

"I'm a big girl, Dally, I can handle myself" I tell him while crossing my arms.

He eyes me for a few moments before giving in, "fine" he says defeated.


Dally was right, I haven't been to a party before, so I was a little nervous when the loud booming music hammered against my ear drums.

The smell, of smoke and alcohol stinging my nose, almost suffocating me as I tried to breath.

But when I started drinking is when everything became more fun, and I started to loosen up.

The beer was strong enough for me considering I haven't drank before, it had me dancing on coffee tables, dancing, screaming, and tripping over my own feet.

But when the shots came out, I couldn't resist.

The thrill of trying new things was intoxicating me more than the beer was.

I didn't exactly know how to take shots, but after observing a few other people go, I figured it couldn't be that hard.

I went up, grabbing the shot glass, not even hesitating to bring it to my lips and chug it down.

The burning sensation hurt like hell, but it went away after a while, and I was ready for another one.

They weren't exactly good, but I couldn't stop.

I went for another one, it burning less than the first.

I was about to go for another one, but before I could chug it, I got the sudden urge to pee.

Putting the glass down I stumbled to try and find the nearest bathroom that wasn't occupied.

When I couldn't find one I went upstairs to look.

But when I was going up, my head started to sway, and everything became blurry.

I couldn't tell which step was where, and they looked as if they were moving.

Then I didn't feel good at all.

I felt bad.

And then I was falling backwards.

Then everything was black

Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

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