Chapter 5:

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After being released from the death building, Darry brought us over to his truck.

My stomach was queasy from the thought of entering this guys truck, but I reminded myself that he saved Oliver and me, and Oliver had already stayed a few nights with them.

You could still get murdered.

I try to slap the thoughts away mentally, and when Darry opened the truck door for us to get in I hesitated.

He must've seen the uneasiness and fear plastered on my face so he didn't rush me. 

I was contemplating on grabbing Oliver and running, but Oliver's soft gentle voice spoke up from the silence I created, "come on Aubrey, let's go" and with those words I was lured into his truck the door closing behind me.


The drive wasn't that long, and it went by faster listening to Oliver talk about the food he had when he was staying at Darry's house, he told me all about pancakes and bacon, and the flavour, and I contently listened as I stared out the window. watching as the houses zoomed by instead of lingering when I was walking 

"Are your parents going to be okay with this?" I ask once Oliver took a breath.

His posture stiffened, and his grip on the steering wheel tightened, I instantly knew I messed up, "I'm sorry, I didn't-" I was cut off, "nah it's fine, you couldn't have known" he says reassuringly, but I knew that it hurt him.

With that he was pulling up to the same house I attempted robbing from, but this time being driven by the guy who owns it.

I chuckle to myself at the thought, and after putting the truck in park he looked over at me, "it's just that, I was robbing this place not too long ago, and now you're letting me in" I say with a soft smile, and he chuckles back, "I guess so" he says getting out of the truck.

"My buddies might be over, so don't instantly run when you see a bunch of guys sitting and drinking beer, they're harmless" he says as he helped me get my one suitcase out of the back.

Flipping fantastic.

He hands it to me and I give him an unweary smile, he took notice to this, "I can ask them to leave" he says kindly, but I instantly turn him down, "no it's fine, they're your buddies, we'll be fine" I reassure him.

He eyes me for a couple of seconds before nodding his head and beginning to lead us to the front door.

I chuckled.

This is literally how every murder happens you dumb ass.

It was too late to turn back because we were walking through the front doors.

I looked over at where there was a couch, recliner, and small box TV. Everything looks so different when it's light out.

I felt all the stares at me, and tried not to make contact with any of the seven guys who were sitting in his house.

They all looked intimidating, all but one , and that was a tinnier guy, a scar on his cheek with big brown puppy dog eyes.

He was the only one I made eye contact with, and he greeted me with a soft smile.

I tensed up when I saw Oliver running over to one of the guys sitting on the couch, a smoke pinched between his teeth, "Dally!" he yells hoping onto the guys lap.

"Hey punk" this dude I presume to be Dally says as he rubs his knuckles against the top of his head.

"What happened to not liking kids?" one of Darry's brother asks, the smaller one.

Dally shot him a look, and he shut his trap.

These guys aren't so bad... for hoods.

I take a deep breath to try and calm myself down, and looked over to Darry, "let's put your stuff away, and then I'll introduce you to everyone" he says pointing to a hallway.

I followed him down a slight hallway, and turned into the doorway with him.

There was a king bed in the middle of the room with a nightstand beside it, and a semi full closet, with a dresser across from the bed, other then that it was empty.

"You can put your stuff down wherever you'd like" he says politely, and I thank him, placing my bag on the bed.

"Big bed for being a guest room" I say as I continue to look around the room, he didn't answer and I looked over at him, "this isn't the guest room is it?" I asked, and he simply nodded his head, "then whose is it?" I ask curiously, "mine, but it's fine, I have a spot on the couch" he says quickly.

"There is no way I'm kicking you out of your on room" I say, "yes you are, it's fine" he says.

After a couple more minutes of bickering about who gets the bed he finally wins, more like I gave up, and we are heading back out of the room into the room full of all the intimidating guys.

"Is this the chick that you said tried robbing your place?" the one with the leather jacket and Mickey shirt asks, Darry simply nodded his head.

"Aubrey this is Two-bit" he says as he points to the dude with the leather jacket and Mickey shirt, "this is Steve" he says pointing to a funny looking guy with a blue flannel on, "Sodapop, one of my brothers" he says as he points to the boy with bright blue eyes, "this here is Dally" he says as he points to the most intimidating one, who happened to have a child on his lap, "my other brother Pony" he says as he points to the muscular kid sitting next to Darry, "and lastly we have Johnny" he says as he points to the brown eyed kid.

"Everyone this is Aubrey" he says as he walks over to sit in the recliner which was empty even though all these guys were here.

Pony got off of the couch so I could sit down, I thanked him and sat beside Dally, and Oliver switched from clinging onto him, and on to me.


After a few hours of talking a joking around, I became slightly more comfortable around these guys, and I could finally feel my body start to relax.

It was dark out now, and Oliver passed out on my lap so I brought him to Darry's room and tucked him in. That was the only time I left the guys, I was genuinely having fun. 

"You know Aubrey. For a broad trying to steal from someone, you're pretty damn innocent" Dally says as he takes the last sip of his beer, "thank you I guess?" I reply  as everyone begins to get up.

"See you around Aubrey" Two-bit says as he walks out the door, the first one to do so, followed by the rest.

Darry got up from his seat after everyone was gone and started to pick up the empty beer bottles and cans, thinking he needed some help I start to grab some of the empty ones from beside me.

"These guys do not leave any drop of beer left hey" I say as I realize the more cans and bottles I pick up are all empty.

"No, they don't they live off of it after all, and hey don't worry about this mess, I've got it, go get some sleep" he says.

"It's the least I can do" I say as I continue to pick up some more.

We were working are way closer to each other, and I was going to pick the last bottle up when Darry went for the same bottle and our hands brushed together.

I quickly pulled my arm away, my eyes going wide, and I feel my heart start to drum in my chest, memories starting to play in my head.

"Hey, you okay? I didn't hurt you did I?" Darry asks in a concerned voice as he looks at me wide eyed and worried, "it's fine, you only touched me, you're fine" I say as I rush off. 

I slowly close the door behind me as I remember that Oliver is soundly sleeping, and I slowly get changed out of my clothes and into my pyjama shorts, and shirt.

I crawl in beside Oliver, and snuggle up close to him. For once I could sleep on my side without it hurting or being uncomfortable, and in an instant I fell asleep.

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