Chapter 9:

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I woke up to the sun shining brightly through the slightly covered windows and let out a content yawn and stretch.

When I was stretching my hand stroked my slightly wet shirt and the memories of yesterday came flooding into my mind as my cheeks went warm.

I slowly got out of the comfy bed and headed out of the closed room.

My eyes were greeted with a lovely sight of seven handsome guys stuffing their faces with eggs and chugging orange juice straight out of the container.

My eyes found their way to Darry who was flipping the last egg, his right leg slightly bent, his left hand resting on the counter, elbow locked, and his right hand with the spatula. 

They didn't notice me at first due to their animal instincts on devouring their food, and I was able to walk to the fridge without being screamed at.

Once I opened the fridge door to grab some chocolate milk their heads wiped towards the sound, and they finally saw me.

"Aubrey!" they all yelled cheerfully, till their smiling faces faded into sad looking ones.

"What?" I ask confused.

There was a moment of silence before Soda spoke up, "how you feeling?" he asks.

I look at him confused till it hit me again.


The thought of him being away from me killed me, but I remember Darry's words on how he said he would check up on him, and my harsh thoughts were comforted.

"Better. Darry said he would go to the station to ask whats going on" I say truthfully, and Soda gave a sigh of relief, and the rest of the boys faces went back to normal.

I looked up at Darry who was giving me all his attention. He smiled at me and butterflies grew in my stomach. They way his lips curved upwards, how the corners almost reached the bottom of his half-squinted eye-lid. I wanted to melt right then and there.

He turned back to shut off the stove and took the plate of eggs to the table.

A swarm of arms attacked the plate, and in no time there was none left, "guys, save some for Aubrey" Darry says specifically looking at Steve who had three on his plate, and was in the process of eating one.

"Fine" he groans taking it off his plate and putting it back on the empty one.

"Thanks" I say to both Darry and Steve, and I take the last chair and sit in it, reaching over to grab the egg.

"Want some orange juice?" Two asked as he holds up the jug, "no thanks, I'm good, I have chocolate milk" I tell him, holding up my glass half filled with chocolate milk.


After breakfast most of the guys left, Steve,  Soda, and Darry to their job, Johnny and Ponyboy to the lot, and Dally... well I didn't know where he went, but he wasn't going to be doing anything legal.

I was left with Two, who was absolutely useless at helping clean up the messy table, and gave up not even three minutes after clearing the table to go relax and watch Mickey.

I finished clearing the table and put everything in the fridge and counters, and started to do the dishes, the warm water feeling heavenly on my cold hands.

I finished doing the dishes, and went to go sit by Two to relax, but I was to anxious to find out what's going on with Oliver that I couldn't sit still, so I ended up cleaning the rest of the house, while Two continued to be useless.


Turns out cleaning the house took a lot longer than expected because the house was a mess.

I mean I can't blame the Curtis brothers, they don't exactly have all the time in the world to clean, with Pony being at school most of the day, Soda working, and Darry working, they hardly have time to sleep, especially Darry.

A Thief in the NightΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα