Chapter 20:

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*The next day*

When I woke up from my peaceful sleep something was off.

I was freezing, my head was pounding, my body ached, and my vision was semi blurry.

Great. I'm sick.

It's as if the world knocked me off my high horse after last night driving session, and it needed to knock me down a few pegs.

Not gonna lie they were doing a good job of it.

I sat up, looking at the door contemplating if I want to get up or not, I don't even know if I can get up.

Before I could contemplate any longer the door opened and Darry walked through the doors.

"You're up, I thought you died, it's twelve in the afternoon" he says, the smile on his face fading as he realizes my pale face.

"Are you okay?" he asks concerned as he walks closer to the bed.

"I'm not feeling good" I tell him as I pull the covers closet to my body for warmth.

Darry walks by the edge of the bed, and places his big gentle hand on my forehead, "you're burning up" he says in a worried tone, as he removes the covers from my body.

I looked at him confused, "but I'm freezing" I tell him trying to take back the covers, but Dally's arm stopping me, "I know, I'm taking you to the couch, it'll be warmer in there because of the sun" he says as he puts one arm underneath my legs, and the other on my back.

"Oh" I tell him realizing that it made a lot of sense.

He picked me up with no effort at all and he started walking out the door.

Once we got in the living room, the sun already made me feel a tiny bit warmer.

"What's wrong with her?" Dally asks, "she's sick" Darry says laying me gently on the couch, pulling the covers that were there from his sleep over me.

I cursed mentally at my runny nose because I couldn't take in his scent from the covers.

I felt a bit warmer, but I still had the chills, and my body wouldn't stop shivering.

The gang seemed to notice because they all took off their jacket and placed it over my shaking body.

"Thanks guys" I tell them after the last member put his jacket on me.

They played my favourite show; The Flintstones, and never left my side.

I was feeling dozy and was about to slip into sleep when I was being shook slightly.

I open my tired eyes and squint to see Darry placing a bowl of soup on the coffee table in front of me.

"You need to eat" he says as he places a glass of water beside the bowl.

I nod my head knowing that the soup will help me feel a bit less like death, and sit up, the jackets pooling beside me.

I moved to sit more on the edge of the couch and brought the table closer to me.

I couldn't smell the soup, but by the looks of it, it was chicken noodle.

I grab the spoon which was beside the soup and put it in the hot broth.


After I finish eating the soup, I lay back down on the couch, my head feeling a bit less foggy and my body stopped shivering.

The gang was still here, some playing cards, some reading books and newspapers, some watching TV as I laid on the couch, staring at the ceiling as I feel the chills take over my body once again.

I didn't get up to get dinner, or to say goodbye to the gang, I just laid there looking at the ceiling not being able to fall asleep.

The house grew more quiet as the hours passed on, the room getting darker and darker as the sun set.

"I have something fun planned for you" Darry says as he walks over to me, "what's that?" I ask, my mouth dry.

"Sleep" he says as he picks me up bridal style.

I want to laugh, but I'm too sore, and I just let him carry me to his room.

He laid me down on the bed and tucked me in, but the bed no longer had my body heat in it, and I was shivering even more intensely.

"Do you need another blanket?" Darry asks concerned, I just nod my head up and down as a response.

He left the room for a minute, then came back with two more blankets, "these aren't yours from the couch are they?" I ask while my teeth start to chatter. 

"No, they're extras, don't worry about me" he says sitting on the edge of the bed, feeling my forehead again.

His warm hand felt nice on my cold skin that was really burning up.

"I need to get you some water" he says standing up to leave again, returning with a glass of water.

I sat up, and took the water from him, taking a sip, the cool liquid clearing my blurred vision for a second.

But the water was too cold, and I ended up handing it back to him.

"You need to drink more" he says handing it back to me, "I'm too cold" I tell him in resistance.

"Just drink some more, you'll get warm soon" he tells me, worry in his eyes.

I give in and take the glass from his hand, taking a few more sips of water.

My hand was shaking when I gave him the glass back, my teeth chattering uncontrollably. 

"Thanks " I tell him while lying back down, trying to get warm by curling into a tiny ball under the covers.

My body stiffens as I feel the matters dip beside me, and then it stiffens more when I feel warm hands on my hips.

"Wh-what are you do-doing" I ask him while stuttering both from the cold and embarrassment.

"Relax, I'll keep you warm" he says as he pulls me on top of him, his warm body heat already warming me up.

He then wrapped his arms around my back and waist and gently rubbed up and down, the warmth starting to spread in my body.

"You're warm" I tell him, lost in the bliss of finally being warm.

I could fell his chest tighten as he chuckles, the feeling quite odd but enjoyable, but before I could feel anything else, I was dozing off.

I'm sooo sorry this chapter is late, I got discouraged after the first one got deleted, and I just wanted to get it out.

Thank you for being patient, till next chapter.

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