Chapter 15:

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The sun was shining brightly through the two windows, interrupting me from my sleep.

When I stretched I couldn't feel a muscular object stopping my arm from going past half of the bed.

I sigh in disappointment, wondering what it would be like to wake up next to Darry and his bed head.

I was soon distracted by the smell of bacon filling the room, my mouth watering and stomach grumbling at the new thought of eating breakfast.

I got up from the bed which was warmer than usual and get changed into something other than sleeping pants and a baggy shirt.

After finishing getting changed, I open the door and the fatty smell intensifies.

I basically float over to the kitchen, a smile hastily making it's way onto my face as I see that the table is already set, food ready to be sacrificed for the humans satisfaction. 

Sandy was standing next to Soda while he talked to Darry, who was trying to clean up some of the mess before we ate.

"Do you need any help?" I offer.

Darry looks back, his lips curving into a smile, "no, I'm done for now, let's eat" he says as he grabs the last thing from the counter to bring it over to the table; the bacon.

When we were eating the table was filled with more chatter than usual. Pony was really energetic, causing the people at the table moods to be lifted.

When we were done eating, Sandy and I offered to do the dishes, and with enough convincing, Darry gave in.

While Sandy and I were doing the dishes, me washing, her drying, we started to talk more with each other, beginning to become more comfortable around each other. 

I started to feel more happy for Soda as I got to know more about her.

Whenever I asked her questions about Soda, she answered with the most in depth explanations that proved how much she loved him.

And besides. I would have to grow use to her sooner or later if she was getting married to Soda.

I finished washing the last of the dishes, Sandy still working on drying the last of them when I needed to use the washroom.

I excused myself and dried my hands off on a spare towel and walked away.

When I came out of the bathroom, my eyes widen at the sight of the Curtis brothers, and Sandy searching frantically for something.

"What's going on?" I ask confused, my eyebrows narrowed, "I lost my ring" Sandy says, her eyes watery.

I stare at her in shock, "when was the last time you had it?" I asked her as she desperately moved around couch cushions.

"I took it off while doing the dishes" she says in a panicked tone, "then when I went to put it back on it was gone" she adds as Soda moves the couch.

"I'll go check the kitchen" I tell them as I turn back into the kitchen to help them find the missing ring.

I felt bad for Sandy.

Losing the love of her life's ring just after getting it.

But at the same time it made me think of how irresponsible she really is.

After all she is only seventeen.

I look everywhere, from the counter tops to the inside of the dishwasher, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

I was working up a sweat from running around, and it didn't help that it was a hot day.

I walk out of the kitchen, defeated, and back into the living room where they are checking coat pockets.

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