Chapter 17:

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Before you start reading, I just want to let everyone to know that my new story with Johnny Cade is out, I will be realizing more chapters of this story and the other one as much as I can. I worked really hard on the story line, so if you are interested please read, it would mean a lot. Thank you. Now back to A Thief in the Night.

I don't know what hurt more when my eyes fluttered open to meet a blinding light.

My head or my ankle?

I groan in pain when I try to sit up, a sharp jab in my head causing me to lay back down.

Defiantly my head.

When my eyes finally adjust to the blinding bright light I saw Dally sitting on the floor, looking at a TV... the Curtis's TV.

I jolt up, ignoring the piercing pain in my head, looking around the Curtis home.

No way.

This was the last place I wanted to be.

But when I realize Darry was no where in sight, I relax a bit, letting my pounding head rest against the soft pillow on the couch.

"What happened?" I ask with a groan, "you fell down Buck's stairs" Dally says, "you know, I thought you said you were a big girl and you could handle yourself" he says with a smirk.

I attempt to roll my eyes at him, but the pain was too much, so instead I just gave him a weak, "shut up" as I put my hand on my forehead as if to relieve some pain.

Feeling a bit less like death I attempt to get up from the couch to to avoid any run ins with Darry that could happen if I stay here any longer.

But before I could get anywhere else a deep voice stopped me, "where are you going?" I look up to see Darry standing in the door frame, supplies in his hands.

I couldn't bare to look at him, but I couldn't look away.

"I know you're mad to me, but let me just patch you up" he says in a gentle tone.

"I'm fine" I tell him as I attempt to get up from the couch, but as soon as I put a little bit of pressure onto my wounded ankle, I fall back down, the pain in my head increasing.

Darry rushes to my side, "you probably have a concussion" he says.

I attempt to push him away, but the stabbing pain in my head stops me from doing so.

So I had to lay there, avoiding eye contact with Darry as he took off the bandage on my head, which I didn't even realize was on me, and replace it with a new one after cleaning it up.

His hands suddenly went to my wrist causing me to look down at what he was looking at; a large purple and black bruise covering the majority of my wrist from where I punched him.

He took another bandage and started to wrap it carefully.

By now Dally was gone, and it was just Darry and I left in his house.

I didn't talk to him, I didn't even look at him, and as much as I wanted to thank him for helping me out, he was the reason I was hurt in the first place.

He was finished wrapping my swollen ankle which was sprained, and put the supplies back in the box he brought them out in.

He took a big breath, "Sandy accidentally put the ring in your pocket" he says in a regretful tone.


The anger made the pain go away as my body filled with adrenaline, and before I could think I was standing up from the couch.

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