We Never Knew

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Trigger Warnings: Anxiety/panic attacks, phobias (Hydrophobia (fear of water. In this case only bodies of water) to be specific), PTSD, slight mentions of child abuse (mentally mostly. But a bit of physical if you really squint).

Tony Stark was okay. Sure, maybe he couldn't mentally bear to be around any body of water, even a tub, courtesy of his time in Afghanistan. But he was still okay, right?

Yeah, I'm okay... It's fine. Plenty of people have irrational fears. And this is mine. Just so long as no one finds out... After all, giving in would show weakness. God, what would dear old dad say?

"Stark men are made of iron!"

Well. This one happens to be a titanium alloy, but I know better than to back talk back...

Well that thought process was all fine and good until some certain teammates came barging through his workshop door, demanding he take a break and join them at the pool. Is nothing fucking sacred? At the first decline, everyone just took it as Tony being his normal, non-stop working, pissbaby self. However as they neared the porch, the pool right in front of them, Steve in particular sensed something being off. At first decline Tony was complaining about all the work he had to get done, and how his teammates were going to make him fall behind. But as they came closer to their destination, Tony had a sense of urgency in his voice as well as an unmistakable hint of panic, as he damn near clawed and Clint's hand clamped tightly around his wrist.

-Steve's POV-

"Hey Clint? Why don't we let Tony sit here on the patio? Let him come in on his own terms. I think it's good enough we got him out this far, don't you think?". Clint contemplated that decision in his head before releasing his grip on Tony's wrist. I feel like something's off with him. He seemed almost terrified the closer we got to the pool. I guess I'll keep an eye on him. No way am I letting him back inside though. He always shields himself away, and whether he believes it or not, we all care for him and want him to let us in. I have managed to make slow progress with him. So much to the point of developing some slight romantic feelings for him (I mean it IS Tony Stark), but I doubt he shares my sentiments. With the progress I have made, I know he has some serious trust issues. Though who could blame him? His own father treated him like he was nothing. If you can't trust a parent to love you, who can you trust? Not to mention one of his best friends, and one of the only people he had, paralyzed him and pulled what was keeping him alive right out of his chest. Of course he hasn't told me this. I've read extensively on his files in hopes of finding why he puts up such a high wall. I just hope he can see that we're not like Howard, or Obadiah, or anyone else who had ever hurt or used him.

-Tony's POV-

I never thought I'd be saying this, but thank God for Steve Rogers. He just saved me from having a total anxiety attack and exposing all my angsty issues to the rest of the team. I sat at the table on the patio, under the shade as I drummed my fingers on the glass table in a mix of boredom and anxiety. Maybe if I just put my feet in I won't freak out. I mean theoretically, I should be fine as long as my head doesn't go under, or the water doesn't go past my waist. With that I took a deep breath and shuffled over to the poolside. I could see Natasha and Steve eyeing me out of my peripheral vision, both curiously watching, but there was something else in Steve's eyes that I couldn't quite place. Caution maybe? That's odd. I huffed out a breath as I dipped both feet into the cold water. Cold. I suddenly felt a freezing flash around my face and upper chest and my throat tightened. As I was distracted fighting off my anxiety, I didn't notice two pairs of arms pick me up. One person grabbing each arm. I started to thrash around, a full-scale flashback threatening to take over my vision, and within a matter of a couple seconds, feeling more like a couple minutes, I was effortlessly tossed into the cold, chlorine filtered water. Before I hit the water, I hear the unmistakable call of Steve's voice. "CLINT! THOR! NO!". I sunk into the water, flailing around erratically as water filled my lungs. I squeezed my eyes shut but when I reopened them, all I see is a tub of water in front of me, dim lighting, but otherwise dark. The smell of blood and earth filled my senses. I was back in the cave. And as if right on cue I see two sickeningly familiar faces. Abu and Raza. I felt two strong arms wrap around my waist but I couldn't fight anymore. I let myself be hauled up as my vision darkened. The last thing I see is Raza's stone cold face morph into none other than Captain America's worried one.

-Steve's POV-

I tightened my arms around Tony's waist and hauled him up to the brutal concrete, immediately kneeling at his side and started chest compressions. Clint rushed over and positioned Tony's neck to let air in and out easily.
"What the fuck just happened?! Can he not swim or something? Why would he not tell us he can't swim?!" Clint near yelled out, fear lacing his words. I was wondering the same thing.
"Afghanistan." I heard Bruce say from behind us.
"What? Banner why the hell are you bringing up geography at a time like this?" Clint directed his attention over to Bruce as I pressed my lips to Tony's cold ones, beginning rescue breathing.
"No. Tony was taken hostage in Afghanistan! Years ago. From his files it says that he was tortured, primarily b-" I cut off Bruce's words, my mind becoming numb. Shit. Shit! Of course! How could I forget! He was waterboarded in Afghanistan! No shit he'd be afraid of water bodies!
"-I mean haven't you guys ever noticed that there's no bathtubs in the tower? Only showers. He probably has PTSD!" Tony's eyes flew open and he immediately jolted up, turning to his side, and coughing up water. I rubbed his back soothingly until he turned again and lied on his back.
"Cap? What the hell just happened?" He croaked out, voice hoarse.
"It doesn't matter Tony. What matters is your safe." I began as I scooped up his small body into my arms. "Come on. You need rest." As I carried Tony off I heard Clint call out Tony's name behind me. I turned and saw him with Thor.
"We are sorry Tony." Thor spoke oddly quietly, obviously feeling  severe guilt.
"Yeah. I'm really sorry. Stark. I. We all had no idea. If I had...Well. We wouldn't be in this situation." I looked down at Tony and for once he didn't have his mask up. He was showing pure, raw emotion. He had a few stray tears running down his cheeks.
"It's fine Legolas. I never told anybody. So. It's my fault." He mumbled out pushing against my chest to let himself down. "Well. I'm gonna go lay down." He said as he trudged to the door back inside. I caught up with him as he stepped in the elevator. I was going to at least stay with him. No one deserves to be alone. Not after going through that.
"So. Cap..er..Steve. Thank you. For saving me. And yeah. All that."
" It was nothing. But Tony. You know. You're not alone. I, well, all of us. We care about you, you know? You don't have to be afraid of us. "
"Yeah. Okay. Look. I hate having this conversation. More than anything. I know you all want to help, but please don't try to push it on me like that. I already feel like I've come around more to you, Bruce, and Natasha. So. Just. Give me time, okay? I can't just take your words and trust you all." Tony replied quietly, looking down as the elevator started to ascend the tower. 

-General POV- 

After Tony and Steve arrived in his room and tony changed into something warm and dry, he lie in bed, tucked in tightly by Steve, who now stood by him.
"See you tomorrow Tony." He said as he pressed a kiss to the forehead of a half-awake Tony.
"Stay." Tony quietly muttered. Steve smiled softly at Tony and climbed into the bed next to him. Tony immediately turned and buried his face in the latter's chest and slowly drifted off. Steve pressed another kiss to Tony's still-damp hair and nodded off as well, smiling and holding the small man  protectively against him.

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