Public Displays of Affection

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What if during the Winter Soldier movie, Steve somehow got stuck with Tony rather than Natasha?

-Tony's POV-

I had somehow {Yes, somehow he did. I'm sleep deprived. There's no backstory. Imagine to your heart's content -The Author :P} gotten stuck on the run with Steve from, believe it or not S.H.I.E.L.D. Turns out they've been corrupt by Hydra. Wow. If only there was some smart billionaire who had said years ago that these people couldn't be trusted. Oh. Wait.

So now me and Steve are running for our lives and somehow formulating a plan to save thousands of others. It's honestly just Tuesday for everyone at this point. As we were riding down the escalator in a local plaza I saw a few corrupt S.H.I.E.L.D agents across from us on the ascending side. Well isn't this just fantastic. It's not like we can just jump of the side of the escalator or anything. That'd definitely get us found out. But we can't just stand here either. We need to make a scene. But an uncomfortable scene. One that deters people... PDA. I know from experience that public displays of affection make everyone uncomfortable. Well. In my case. Public displays of sexual action. But it's basically like the same thing, right?

"Kiss me." I said with a light blush as I turned to Steve.

"...Excuse me?"

"Kiss me, Rogers! Look, two Hydra agents are right there. No way they won't see us. Public displays of affection make everyone uncomfortable. It'll work especially in our favor because we're both males, and though we'd be legally okay, a lot of people still disapprove so." A lot of things happened at once. Steve angled my face up towards his using his thumb and index finger and grabbed my hips, shockingly tenderly. Then. Steve fucking Rogers pressed his lips into mine, just as our two people of interest passed us, looking any direction but us.

When I kissed Steve, it wasn't like any other kiss. It didn't feel like kissing all those guys and girls I slept with once and more often than not can't even recall. There wasn't that so-oftenly-told spark of lust. Rather. Some sort of a loving calmness. I almost forgot we were in public, I was so taken and lost in the kiss.

When Steve pulled away, I whined. Literally whined. He smiled his perfect smile at me and bumped foreheads with me before turning back and looking straight ahead.

"So." He started "How about when this is all over I take you out for dinner?" I snapped out of my kiss-induced haze and smirked my signature smirk.

"It's a date, Rogers."

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