Peter Benjamin Stark-Rogers

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If this sounds slow, or slightly to significantly worse than my other writings, I have had a very long day. So I apologize in advance.

-General POV-

          Today Tony Stark-Rogers and his husband Steve Rogers were going to adopt adopt a child. They had gone through and looked through all of the profiles of the kids at a small orphanage in Queens, and after much debating and indecisiveness they decided to settle on a little girl. She was almost 1, a beautiful baby, and very well behaved, especially for an infant. Of course with a kid this great, there were lots of couples after her, and honestly Steve and Tony weren't getting their hopes up since they were definitely not the first to submit applications for her. However about a month later Steve and Tony were called and welcomed to meet her and potentially adopt her if wanted.

-Tony's POV-

          My unoccupied leg was bouncing quickly as I drove to the orphanage, making a quick tapping sound on the weather mats on the floor of the car. I can't believe I'm gonna be a father. Me and Steve are gonna be fathers. There's no rethinking this now. I'm so nervous but at the same I can't hide my smile.
"Tony, I get you're nervous and excited or whatever, but if you don't stop bouncing your leg like that I'm gonna lose it." I heard from behind me. I decided to bring Rhodey along for this. He's been with me through everything, so I didn't think this should be different. Plus I think it's only fair he meets his goddaughter first. I parked in the parking lot and stared hard at the building in front of me.
"Tony." I looked over at my husband smiling reassuringly at me "Baby, you're gonna be fine. We'll both be fine. We're gonna love her and she's gonna love us. Okay?"
"I know that. I'm just worried... Ah. What if she doesn't like me?"
"Tony. Kids adore you. And you adore them. Have you seen yourself when there's kids around? You light up, you humor them, play along. You'll do fine." I smiled and pecked Steve's lips as I got out of the car with my husband and best friend. Right. No turning back.

          We were led by a caretaker into the nursery where we were met with the beautiful green-eyed girl from all those pictures we've looked at for months. She was finally here, right in front of us. I sucked in a breath and shyly weaseled out, letting Steve hold her first. I smiled at my husband cooing and making faces at the little girl. Steve has always been so good with babies. I heard some babbling behind me and was met with possibly the most adorable little boy I'd ever seen. He had big brown eyes, and was staring up at me in wonder. He looked to be very young. Maybe two months old at least. I smiled at him and waved to him and he laughed back. God he was so cute. Like some creepy mall salesperson, the caretaker silently walked over to me and spoke up.
"That's Peter Parker. He's four months."
"Oh. Well he's adorable. Whoever is looking at him is lucky."
"Actually. No one's given him a second thought. Sure we've had people look at him, but then we mention about his medical need and the cost, and it's like they can't leave fast enough."
"What medical need?"
"Oh. His parents got in a really bad car accident and both died on the scene. Peter somehow miraculously survived, though he didn't come out unscathed. He suffered some injuries and head trauma, and to top it off he was born with a lung condition, that he's so far had two surgeries for. Whenever we mention the cost to people for his treatments, they're gone. We haven't even gotten him looked at by any fosters."
"That's terrible." I leaned over the crib and let Peter grab my finger " I'm sorry kiddo.." I'm in love with this baby, but we can't adopt two kids, let alone babies during our first run at parenting. But then again. I have more than enough money to support this kid. And the girl we were looking at had multiple people lining up ready to take her...
"Steve. I need to talk to you for a second."

-One Week Later, Steve's POV-

          So here Tony and I were once more at this orphanage, getting ready to adopt a child. Except this time it was to actually take one home. A little boy, Peter Benjamin Stark-Rogers. Or he will be, legally, in about half an hour. When Tony told me about him and what he'd been through, I was easily on board. And though it was hard having to forget about adopting that little girl, she was taken by another family two days later. It was just meant to be I guess.
          I watched, smiling as my husband held our tiny son in his arms. They looked so perfect together. And it was times like this I wish I had a photographic memory, because I'd love to paint this moment. Tony had tears in his eyes as he kissed our son's head
"Hey there, Pete." I heard Tony speak up "We're gonna take you home okay? I'm gonna be your daddy. And that dude over there? That's papa. We love you very much Pete. You also have a plethora of Aunts and Uncles waiting back at home for you."
"Yeah and one of them is standing right here and was promised the right to hold him first before the others so..." Rhodes spoke up. I huffed out a laugh and held my husband and son closer. Maybe it's a good thing I got stuck in the future. Because I couldn't, and don't want to imagine my life being any different than now.

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